sknebelhm, I seem to remember there was an issue where wordpress would send the syndication request before some things were added to the post correctly, and bridgy could win that race and see an incomplete post. certainly what's online now looks correct
[chrisaldrich]is it possible there's a lag from the micropub client uploading the photo to your media endpoint? And so there's no photo to find when the syndication is triggered?
sknebelthat specific thing shouldn't be possible, because the photo needs to be uploaded before the client can try submitting a post with it. but something like that in the backend processing might be possible
[chrisaldrich]Looks like I should set up the Twitter account @chrisaldirch so that I get all the notifications that [jgmac1106] has been sending me lately.
[chrisaldrich]Apparently not having auto-complete UI can make sending tweets from one's website not go through the way one wishes they would sometimes.