#wordpress 2020-02-05

2020-02-05 UTC
miklb, chrisaldrich, gRegorLove, wagle, [tantek], [jeremycherfas], tsrt^, jeremych_, simons, [LewisCowles], [jgmac1106] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel; FineDiscord[m] left the channel
That was supposed to go here: I wish for a debug log of Webmention very much 😕 Some never make it and I never know why.
[snarfed], [Michael_Beckwit, [grantcodes] and [jackjamieson] joined the channel
GWG, just catching up on your posts re: WordPress capabilities and Micropub/sub. Any progress figuring on that?
For Microsub, are you thinking of a capability for each action? (e.g. channels, search, preview, etc.)?
simons joined the channel
Overall, I’m a bit unclear about how that should work, though admittedly I’m a bit out of the loop re: chat discussions, since I’m focused on writing, which de facto means less time building and keeping up with new IndieWeb developments 😕)
petermolnar, GWG, simons, [tantek], petermolnar_ and [KevinMarks] joined the channel; petermolnar left the channel
[jackjamieson]: I am thinking a capability for each action, I may submit a PR
I am working on the same for Micropub and IndieAuth
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
It needs some additional testing
petermolnar, [snarfed], [LewisCowles], gRegorLove, [schmarty] and [jackjamieson] joined the channel
Sounds good, I’ll take a look at the changes in micropub. Will wait until that’s stable (and of course a PR would be great)
[fluffy] joined the channel
[jackjamieson]: The changes in Micropub are, the issue is in IndieAuth
I have IndieAuth filtering the capabilities
GWG Thanks. I’ll take a look at the Micropub code and see if it’s an easy addition to Microsub too
It is
Nice, I’ll try to implement it within the next week or so.
[jackjamieson]: Let me do a PR to try and demo
FrenchBackBoneDi and [tantek] joined the channel
GWG: Thanks! I’m looking forward to learning how it works
[jackjamieson]: Me too
[jgmac1106], mimesi, [KevinMarks], gRegorLove and Alex8532 joined the channel; mimesi and Alex8532 left the channel