tantek.comedited /WordPress (+310) "/* Mobile */ screenshot, note offline first support, no local first support" (view diff)
indirect, Dr_JayWDiscord[m, [andre], maxwelljoslyn, beko, chrisaldrich, [schmarty], [Marlin_Forbes], [Aaron_Klemm], nst^ and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
chrisaldrichWhat if instead you linked them to an archive page for each of those that did a reverse look up of all the posts you'd made on those silos using syndication links?
chrisaldrichThis would be an interesting reframing of the meaning of these social icons into a more IndieWeb-centric idea that promotes owning your data on your own site.
chrisaldrichSome days Loqi just doesn't like me either. And then the days they do, I get memes like that one staring me in the face. Sometimes you just can't win.
[jgmac1106]I am seriulsy tempted to just roll out WP sites instead of Known or ihazawebsite for New Haven and Ghana....so much less admintax on me...though hired intern so not totally the issue
[fluffy] joined the channel; EFSHDREGAS left the channel