#wordpress 2020-02-06

2020-02-06 UTC
[snarfed], [KevinMarks] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
dee` joined the channel
edited /WordPress (+310) "/* Mobile */ screenshot, note offline first support, no local first support"
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indirect, Dr_JayWDiscord[m, [andre], maxwelljoslyn, beko, chrisaldrich, [schmarty], [Marlin_Forbes], [Aaron_Klemm], nst^ and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
Micropub for WordPress 2.1.0 released.
Minor fixes and tweaks, nothing to write home about
[KevinMarks], [tantek], [LewisCowles], simons, [Rose], [jgmac1106], [grantcodes], [calumryan], [Marlin_Forbes], mattsseDiscord[m, [Michael_Beckwit, [schmarty], [manton] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
Good morning IndieWebPressers!
GWG, I just had a thought for one of your queries. You had mentioned getting rid of rel-me links on your site.
Ones I don't use much
Or shunting them to an archive page
What if you didn't remove the /NASCAR_problem portion of social media icons on your site?
What if instead you linked them to an archive page for each of those that did a reverse look up of all the posts you'd made on those silos using syndication links?
This would be an interesting reframing of the meaning of these social icons into a more IndieWeb-centric idea that promotes owning your data on your own site.
Seems like you may have had a similar idea...
Arcosruth, [snarfed], [LewisCowles] and [tantek] joined the channel
Y U NO Write short memes, not paragraphs
Y U NO Write short memes, not paragraphs?
well you get the point
I think it was in the other channel, but +1 to the idea of OPML import. Dave Winer may have some open source code for some pieces already.
Some days Loqi just doesn't like me either. And then the days they do, I get memes like that one staring me in the face. Sometimes you just can't win.
[jgmac1106] the IW Twenty Fifteen theme is coming along... have you tried it yet?
jeremych_ and EFSHDREGAS joined the channel
I will on the 28th hour of the 9th day of the week....
Is it a GitHub install or is the repo live in WP.org?
I am seriulsy tempted to just roll out WP sites instead of Known or ihazawebsite for New Haven and Ghana....so much less admintax on me...though hired intern so not totally the issue
[fluffy] joined the channel; EFSHDREGAS left the channel
I said opml import
WordPress has some old code from the link days I think
jeremych_, [Rose] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Been playing with feedzy while inoreader has a bug in their html clips, so far been my lowest embed an rss feed yet
gRegorLove joined the channel
edited /WordPress/Examples (+114) "moved people who aren't using WP anymore"
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