#wordpress 2020-02-09

2020-02-09 UTC
[LewisCowles], [jgmac1106] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
GWG did the Borg subsume Zegnat into the WordPress collective?
until told otherwise, i assume he's stuck in the 5min install
gRegorLove joined the channel
Going to give it a fair try in the morning. The plugins look good, but it will all be about the editing flow
is playing with tiddlywiki again
Eats (Discord): I still have to decide what I want to do. It will be fun either way. I might go back to WP; the enhancements while I've been gone look great. Buyt what did I do with iW26 is question numero uno.
[snarfed] and swimrr joined the channel
is it necessary to enqueue child theme stylesheets? I ask because I've read it isn't
which is not what wordpress.org says
they just need to exist, you don't need to load them to the browser
at minimum, they need to have that header block giving the theme name, author, version, parent theme reference, etc
I thought they had to be enqueued?
they likely say that thinking you'll be adding your custom styles to that file
however if you're wanting to use something like sass or so to build other stylesheets and enqueue those, that's perfectly valid
I just want to add styles to the styles.css stylesheet in my child theme folder.
if you use the css in customizer it will not be over ridden when your theme updates
then you would want to enqueue the child's style.css
Thanks michael
I appreciate it
customizer would also be a viable option as well, as Greg mentions
how does one make sure you're enqueueing all the parent stylesheets (in case there is more than one, which I'm not sure of)
that documentation says it will only work if all css is in styles.css
if the parent styles were meant to be enqueued, it'd be handled already by the parent. you just have the 1 to worry about
and the documentation is still going to go with a "lowest denominator first" approach. They assume someone making multiple extra stylesheets generally knows what they're doing already
Thanks again Michael, your help has been invaluable.
Cheers sir!
happy WordPress developing
[fluffy] and [Christina_Hendr joined the channel
Not sure I'll have time tomorrow but at some point I do want to get started on a WP site where I can play with and learn about these tools. Question: I have multisite WP on my domain, so one thing I could do is just create new subdomain (e.g. christinahendricks.ca/[title]). Or I could by new domain. Former seems easier; any reason it might be a problem?
nothing i can think of for problems Christina
mostly a question of if you network install or install in just one of the sites
Thanks! I would just install in one of the sites for now until I learn more.
[jeremycherfas], chrisaldrich and [Christina_Hendr joined the channel
created /2020/Online/wordpresssecrets (+152) "Created page with "------------ IndieWebCamp 2020 Online Session: Secrets of The WordPress Experts == Participants == * {{gwg}} * {{Apiratelifefor.me/}} {{clhendricksbc}}""
(view diff)
[jgmac1106] and gRegorLove joined the channel
GWG: here is a question, does WordPress have a concept of post revisions/versions? Can it keep track of changes throughout edits?
Zegnat: Yes it does
GWG: chrisaldrich left you a message 15 hours, 8 minutes ago: When you remember, can you send me a pointer to the code for adding tag/category feeds to the header of the individual page posts where they occur?
I should figure that one out too then. I think content history will turn very important to me
Yes. Every post has a revision history
In terms of you hacking on your theme... I don't know much about how that is tracked. Most just use a child theme and something like GitHub
[snarfed] joined the channel
https://en.support.wordpress.com/editors/page-post-revisions/ WordPress.com only stores last 25,wonder if wp.org diff
All my code is always in git, so that is not a problem. I am woried about content revisions alone.
That is done. Available right in editor
People like this plugin VersionPress
Seeing sone security warnings about it though
Some* but general revision history is native
[tantek], [LewisCowles], gRegorLove and maxwelljoslyn joined the channel
Had a very quick look at versionpress, but that seems to do something completely different. As its goal is to version for all changes, track database, etc.
I just need a way to see when I changed posts and what I did to them. (And maybe make it possible for people visiting the site to look at revision history too.)
then you need to do nothing, that is native, I will grab a screenshot one sec
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
weird...hey gwg why do I not see revisions in screen options?
[Aaron_Klemm] joined the channel
I am not sure, let me look
[AlisonW] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
chrisaldrich: You had a question re feed discovery
[schmarty] and [Christina_Hendr joined the channel
Looking to use a WP theme: any reason to choose one or the other between sempress and Autonomie? I just like the look of the latter better, but maybe one or the other is better in terms of how it operates...
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[Christina_Hendr: Autonomie is newer, but not particularly
[Christina_Hendricks] do you want to track the community and manually update your themes from GitHub when someone pushes a theme update or do you want automatic theme updates from WP.org? If automoation is goal uyou can only choose SemPress
[jgmac1106]: There's a plugin that can do it from Github automatically actually
make sure those instructions are included on any wiki page for a theme not in WP.org
may already be there
Thanks for the help! May do sempress at first then just for convenience until figure out github plugin.
[Christina_Hendricks] I have a ton of tutorials on SemPress too I think..lemme check:
some of these maybe out of date due to plugin updates but they shoudl pretty much cover everythign SemPress: https://www.youtube.com/user/intertextrEvolution/search?view_as=subscriber&query=%23edu522
Another question: I set up a new site on my WP multisite for this, but now am realizing what [Michael_Beckwith] was saying earlier--if I do that then the plugins seem to need to be network installed. Will that mess with anything I already have in my five or six other sites on that network? E.g., I think I recall from the session yesterday that part of the IndieWeb plugins includes classic editor. If that gets network installed
does it mean all my sites will then use classic editor?
You should be able to add it on a per site basis
Oh wow--those look they will be so helpful. Thank you!
Maybe I set it up incorrectly because when I go to plugins on my site on the multisite it only gives me the option to use plugins already network installed. The only place I can add new plugins is on my network settings page.
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
Classic editor should allow switching between editors too. You can only install at network level, but can activate per site in the individual sites.
Once a plugin is network installed, it'll not show it in the individual site, if I recall right
But if not network active, it will list for per site activating needs
Yes, now I understand--I network installed but didn't network activate and now it shows up as an option to activate at the individual site level. Thank you, everyone--super helpful. Thanks for helping out a total newbie with basic questions! 🙂
Glad to help
maxwelljoslyn, [snarfed], [AlisonW], beko, drkokandy, [LewisCowles], mapachurroDiscor, sekiDiscord[m]1, nellkate1[m], gorhgorh[m]1, vbDiscord[m], freethinkingawa4, angrygnuDiscord[, eddy[m], RealSnazzy[m], AXEL-Lee[m], AXEL-Brian[m], haywirezDiscord[, macerbiDiscord[m, aeddi1523[m], nrtxrmndDiscord[, UsDiscord[m], SpaceOutlawDisco, ZipperSKDiscord4, WesDiscord[m], raisDiscord[m], solanavDiscord[m, chrisDiscord[m], aaronpk[m], 14WAADFV2, fozzieDiscord[m], DavidFalconDisco, Mai-HsuanKevinCh, cam4507[m], nebulerDiscord[m, M8431[m], OboDiscord[m], brewskiDiscord[m, Gorka[m], OxyDiscord[m], Dby0Discord[m], SuikaDiscord[m], simibacDiscord[m, KubeDiscord[m], KevlarmonkeyDisc, peatDiscord[m], Ja3oodDiscord[m], WellinkDiscord[m, itsmekntDiscord[, RomaricDiscord[m, OrkunDiscord[m], gnunicorn[m], pauho[m], placer14Discord[, jwheelerDiscord[, marcocastignoliD, pranayDiscord[m], ShadowJonathanDi, Lilz|BetaMeDisco, KarlDiscord[m], rklaehn[m], godparticleDisco, Elijah3321[m], MisterGoreDiscor, M[AXEL]Darr[m], MichaelTenDiscor, baluptonDiscord[, RomainDiscord[m], KisulkenDiscord[, circlesDiscord[m, RDeckardDiscord[, enricomarinoDisc, chinsuDiscord[m], RyonezCoruscare0, M3baidDiscord[m4, M011000100111010, richtercamdenDis, johanherman[m]1, hvergara[m], pbvieDiscord[m], astraiaDiscord[m, AutoAIDiscord[m], william_shakesDi, suleDiscord[m], KinnardDiscord[4, LSJI07Discord[m], UsamaIrfanDiscor, drbh[m], JayWelsh0845[m], ExpherienceDisco, HyunwooLeeDiscor, appDiscord[m], PhillmacDiscord[, Valium8862[m], braditzDiscord[m, touzaikokonDisco, aeddiDiscord[m], johanhermanDisco, AnthonyCBuddDisc, jenncloudDiscord, LordFenixNCDisco, SnoochToTheNooch, card[m], M123897974564Dis, catmanDiscord[m], amimDiscord[m], M}Discord[m], malaclypsDiscord, captain-nemoDisc, enricomarino[m], denzukoDiscord[m, MissLavenderDisc, nek1113Discord[m, sander[m], felixschlDiscord, sfromentDiscord[, weedDiscord[m], cristobalDiscord, Exca1iburTheWise, swedneck[GMT1]Di, XierumengDiscord, plexusDiscord[m], leoalvarezhDisco, pfefferle[m], rittme[m], fexra|TRTLDiscor, drshamoon[m], DaekiDiscord[m], iiogama[m], new0ne[m], mhzDiscord[m], ttocslliwDiscord, realChainDiscord, scandichainDisco, gtsDiscord[m], JorropoDiscord[m, placer141276[m], johanherman[m], ivanDiscord[m], CatManDoooDiscor, AraratDiscord[m], gnunicornDiscord, HarryTmeticDisco, M9uapawDiscord[m, aswiththewildDis, WarrenDiscord[m], thatguyDiscord[m, the_nikinDiscord, AuHau[m], sethforkDiscord[, adinbDiscord[m], manfred[m], thesage1014Disco, Sm03leBr00tDisco, anthony-albertor, matsugenDiscord[, lauren|Microspon, radio_aliceDisco, HexDiscord[m], vasaDiscord[m], emersen234Discor, RodolfoEDiscord[, HooftlyDiscord[m, pcowgillDiscord[, farhad312Discord, JonwelDiscord[m], rklaehnDiscord[m, erlend_shDiscord, icaruszDiscord[m, NatoBoramDiscord, mikeal[m], RenegadeDiscord[, thomasbDiscord[m, Imnotsoimpressed, M3baidDiscord[m], JeffMaherVegas[m, MatthDiscord[m], macerbi[m], mattl, sebsel, Zegnat, shrysr, tsrt^, nst^, [schmarty], [jgmac1106], crazed, dee`, prtfw[m], GWG, [tantek], petermolnar, wagle, IWSlackGateway, sknebel, ben_thatmustbeme, jeremycherfas, Ruxton, Kaja_____, Oclair, globbot, [Christina_Hendr, aaronpk, [Michael_Beckwit, dopplergange, [tantek]1, [schmarty]1, [jgmac1106]1, [snarfed]1 and [fluffy] joined the channel