#wordpress 2020-02-10

2020-02-10 UTC
IWSlackGateway, [jgmac1106], [tantek], [LewisCowles] and cbzen joined the channel
[Michael_Beckwit and [Charles_Bartlet joined the channel
Greetings, I'm on a mission with Wordpress... to reduce friction in the post creation process. To make sharing content (i.e. a new article link) just as easy as Facebook. After hours of investigation, I have not found a good solution. Which leads me to believe I must be missing something obvious.
So, while reading a blog or news site, I should be able to click the native 'Share' icon in my mobile device to select Wordpress, and WP will automatically do the following:
1. Create a new post.
2. Download the featured image in the article I'm sharing and upload it to the Media Library.
3. Set the newly uploaded image as the Post Featured Image.
I believe more people would manage their own blogs, and post content to it instead of social media accounts, IF the sharing UX was equally as friction-less as FB, IG, and Twitter.
basically stated all our goals
we manage this on Wordpress using the micropub plugin, these are fun apps andeven browser extensions that can publish to WordPress sites
I'm certain my "mission" is not an original thought at all. Given how much capability has built out around Wordpress, it's a bit odd that sharing content, via a WP post, is so terrible via mobile app. Installing Micropub and looking at Quill now.
are you using an IndieWeb WP theme with all the plugins...you will need that first
I think our secrets of WordPress session from IWC Online was just posted. Highly recommend starting there
No, and to be frank, "...IndieWeb WP theme with all the plugins" is a non-starter for convincing people to publish to their own blogs. I get that maybe that is as good as it gets today. But nobody is going to leave Facebook for that.
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Post kinds plugin comes pretty close though it would transclude the photo but doesn't yet include it into any of the templates.
To be clear, my criticism is all on Wordpress.org for this. The native WP mobile app should manage link sharing seamlessly.
thats why we find it beneficial to worry about ourselves make it a mission to live our own better life online and attract people that way, going for scale against companies worth more than most nations isn't a path to success
but knowing I am doing my part and living the way I hope to inspire others to do..I can count that as success...
And that is why Indie Web has not got any traction in past years.
Indie Web could offer a very compelling alternative, if not for lack of a plugin that automatically uploads an image from a news article URL pasted into a post. Perhaps just a custom Block in the editor.
again, I caution using scale as a metric of a success, that got us in this mess. Web only been around 30 years, most social media under a decade, we can right the ship, just talking a tiny blip of history. I prefer believing. makes my days easier and nights more restful. We would love to have more themes work with the plugins for WordPress.,
what is your website? You are out owning your data and controlling your connections. So thank you
First and foremost, I want a solution for myself. Sharing a blog/article from a mobile device, with automated featured image, should require only 3 touches plus any comment I want to add.
Given your focus on scale, I think we're missing each other here. There should be no caution in creating a better UX for people.
[snarfed] and beko joined the channel
BetterUX has 1 karma over the last year
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
has me wondering if this is specifically a IWC thing or a WordPress thing in general
I missed a fun discussion
[jeremycherfas] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
I wonder if others have that sort of workflow?
Personally I'm not sure if I want to own a copy of others photos on my site.
I suspect that most personal sites could claim fair use, particularly when using them as a reply context.
[chrisaldrich]: Post Kinds does have the capability to do that. Press This did that.
I actually had a takedown request from an online magazine not to use their artwork. Their community manager was a bit short about it and had no concept of fair use at all.
The whole reason I wanted that URL stored in the sideload function was to ensure fair attribution
They also didn't seem to think my personal use was anything like the same sort of use as twitter or Facebook which show the same sorts of things.
There was a debate about that in Press This
And in most social cases they are making a copy on their servers for distribution.
[danielbachhuber] #42 Image copyright
GWG, will post kinds copy the picture into media or are you just talking about pulling in the img link?
[chrisaldrich]: It would copy the featured image, if I ever finished that feature.
Right now, I don't display it, so storing it would be a waste, I just store the URL
I need to make some major changes to the underlying structure of Post Kinds. One to fix some storage errors, like dropping authors, and two to prepare for the future.
I need to build a fields api
Essentially, build the displays out of pre-set pieces, so they could be built into a different ui
I've been using a plugin that sideloads featured images from other sites using the img Url from post kinds expecting that once post kinds does something with them I could just turn the plugin off and trekking on post kinds.
Pressforward has functionality for copying the image and saving it on ones server though if people want to try that.
S/trekking/depend... That was an odd predictive text /auto correct
Most micropub clients do a good job of doing quick shares, especially with post kinds.
I do wish there were more micropub clients that would support read posts though.
Swentel supports a wide variety including geocaches, maybe we could talk him into it?
I do feel like publishers that do markup on their sites for OGP are explicitly implying that they want that artwork used in exactly this manner. Otherwise, why mark it up this way?
swentel is usuallty pretty open.
And my opinion being we need to improve attribution, not stop the practice of storing a local copy
As long as we respond to takedowns
What's worse is that I wouldn't copy to benefit myself, but it's obvious that social media platforms are copying specifically to advertise against for their own personal benefit.
Somehow I couldn't get that magazine community manager to see that logic...
I also want to finally do avatar caching, which is much more fraught with issues
[Charles_Bartlett] is right that it is a killer feature. It's one of my favorite things about post kinds ability to quickly create reply contexts.
Me too
I put a lot of time into getting it to do that well
I have much more data extracted than I know how to nicely display
Someday I will get a design for featured image in
GWG, do you mind if I post some details about the new extra feeds plugin?
[chrisaldrich]: No. I wrote it at your request. I'm not sure I'll use it myself.
I may not finish it until tomorrow, but it'll be something you could swipe some text from for the readme.
Ah, the benefits of being a fan club president! 😉
I still need to figure out how to dovetail it into one or two other things and test it against some feed readers.
What is Post Kinds Plugin?
The Post Kinds Plugin is a WordPress plugin that adds support for responding and interacting with other sites to WordPress https://indieweb.org/Post_Kinds_Plugin
For the benefit of context for others reading the discussion above ^^
ankit, petermolnar, crazed, simons, [jgmac1106], [Jeannie], [KevinMarks], miklb and Dante joined the channel
Hi! A process into my plugin provoke a fatal error in Linux Server which I have not access, for example to define a WP_DEBUG_LOG.
I could identified the conflict in the event related to generate an jpeg image from a graph (jpgraph - CanvasGraph()).
I try to catch it first with try/catch, then is_wp_error, both without success
Wordpress triggers it fatal error handler always first
I looking to prevent the fatal error crash
Get any-to-specific info from server (Linux, which I have not direct access e.g to define WP_DEBUG_LOG in wp-config.php) or wordpress about the error (my enviroment of action is just my plugin files, I can upload it & download it but nothing else)
Any ideas =?
I so apreciate any kind of hints/clues/ideas/tips/etc... and your time :)
have nice week.init.all();
joebuhlig, simons, [Michael_Beckwit, [LewisCowles], aaronpk, [manton], alunazero, [tantek], [snarfed], dougbeal|iOS, petermolnar and [jackjamieson] joined the channel
[jackjamieson]: You saw the Parse This work?
[KevinMarks], [Katherine], [snarfed], gRegorLove, joebuhlig and swimrr joined the channel
I've just realized that my enqueue code was incorrect, but the css was loading anyway. Does that make sense?
alunazero, [davidmead], [manton], simons, petermolnar and swimrr joined the channel
so the Jobify theme says you have to enqueue the child theme stylesheet like this https://pastebin.com/NRstivVg
I've read a way to make my child theme stylesheet load after a plugin stylesheet is to make it dependent, but I'm not sure how to do it
petermolnar joined the channel
this did not work - https://pastebin.com/qWNYAQte
[grantcodes] joined the channel
swimrr: depends on the id/name of the parent theme style
Although I think it should be enqueued automatically if you don't overwrite it in your child theme
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
swimrr if the style-front-end-min.css file is being enqueued itself, reference it’s handle for the dependency
not the file name
the handle would be the first parameter much like your “jobify-child”
hi Michael
hrm, let me see what I see
ah, let me try this
Okay, this looks better - https://pastebin.com/NiKnCbNd
and I'm guessing that adding that dependency won't change the dependency of the child theme on the parent theme
alunazero joined the channel
that parameter, last i checked, dictates the order they’re loaded in
if file A depends on file B, then file B will be loaded first
[snarfed] joined the channel
is that only for those 2? not others?
hrm, let me check the files
it calculates internally what order things should be in
okay, so jobify child is now dependent on wpbsc-style. Doesn't it also need to be dependent on the parent-theme jobify?
i believe first it grabs everything that is using the enqueue functions, and lists those in order of being found
and then from that order, it checks dependencies and re-orders as appropriate
depends on if that wpbsc-style loads before or after the parent theme’s css
worst case, specify both
Thank-you again Michael!
gotta run, bye!
Dante joined the channel