Loqi[C. Johnson] Description
Author: C. Johnson
Project URI: http://feedwordpress.radgeek.com/
License: GPL 2. See License below for copyright jots and tittles.
FeedWordPress is an Atom/RSS aggregator for WordPress. It syndicates content from feeds that you choose...
chrisaldrichI'm not 100% sure it will do Atom, but like feedwordpress, you might look at PressForward as well. It may take some work to dovetail them with Post Kinds.
Loqi[Aram Zucker-Scharff, Boone B Gorges, Jeremy Boggs] Description
PressForward is a free plugin that provides an editorial workflow for content aggregation and curation within the WordPress dashboard. It is designed for bloggers and editorial teams who wish to collect, discuss, and share content from a...