#wordpress 2020-02-12
2020-02-12 UTC
[Jeff_Hawkins] I also have Press Forward installed here but that's more for collaboration and such. I do use the Feed WordPress with Atom and it automatically pulls in articles. I haven't experimented with post kinds but Feed WordPress does know they are there. I use it to import a bookmark like post with short snippets of text and point the permalink right at the original site itself.
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] What's your site [Jeff_Hawkins]? I curious to see what/how you're doing that.

[chrisaldrich] Who is Jeff Hawkins?

chimo and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] chrisaldrich this is what cogdog uses to build all hiss (and many other peopel's courses as well) but that is usually RSS not Atom, cool to know it supports Atom: https://cogdogblog.com/2014/07/feed-wordpress-101/

[jgmac1106] 6 years old now so I can't verify info still good

[jgmac1106] I forgot he build s a feed of twitter searches by using TAGS and then using the google sheet to rebuild the feed of tweets

[jgmac1106] ....I never thought about letting TAGS do the work of storing tweets before syndicating...been looking for a way to build a feed of twitter search......

[Jeff_Hawkins] joined the channel
[Jeff_Hawkins] I usually don't like to promote my sites in forums but... https://meanderthal.executivewp.com/ You may be interested to know there are several specialized WordPress instances behind that site also that I call 'offline task handlers' to spread the import load and the site itself is hosted on a Multisite Multinetwork WordPress.
[Jeff_Hawkins] The imported posts are cut to about 30 words or less which is consistent with most bookmarklet apps such as 'Press This'. The imported posts point to the originating source and carry two boilerplate crediting lines... before and after the text snippets...
[jgmac1106] [Jeff_Hawkins] this entire community is about promoting personal sites, share them loud and proud

[jgmac1106] though I must admit I am confused by this: https://executivewp.com/blog/2019/12/28/autoloader-executivewp-com-website/

[jgmac1106] is it like a newsletter subscription to a link blog?

[Jeff_Hawkins] I also have a second system doing the same thing for interesting sites that I wish to watch or market to later on.
[Jeff_Hawkins] The autoloader is a WordPress site that calls client specified links to open about every three minutes in new tabs. I use it at GuidedWP.com to check client websites. I either deal with any site issues in the three minutes or so or push the tab to a second PC (via Chrome) to be dealt with after the session (about 5 hours for 100 pages but much less in reality) for more in-depth service.
[Jeff_Hawkins] I'm usually leery as I get a lot of critical comments on legalities and plagiarism crap.
[chrisaldrich] Thanks @jgmac1106. I've been meaning to look more closely at http://connectedcourses.net/. I've had it open in a tab since late November where it laughs at me every few days.

[chrisaldrich] [Jeff_Hawkins] thanks for the link, though I thought you may have had it on a personal site.

[xavierroy] joined the channel
[xavierroy] PESOS stuff
[chrisaldrich] One could certainly use that cogdog post (series) above to create a personal /planet and syndicate all of their social content into their own site via RSS or other feeds. This is sort of the same idea that Keyring importers does if I'm not mistaken.

[xavierroy] [chrisaldrich] I'm having issues with the IFTTT micropub workflow. Hoping to debug it today
[chrisaldrich] [xavierroy] one of the most common things I've come across is that IFTTT sometimes wants to add blank spaces in front of the variables and that can prevent the process from working properly, so double check that part first.

[chrisaldrich] The other thing is to start with the smallest minimal example you can get away with and gradually add the pieces you need. Once you've done a few, it's easier to cut/paste.

[xavierroy] Does it play well with post kinds ?
[chrisaldrich] In relation to [Charles_Bartlett]'s comment the other day, I just ran across https://github.com/radgeek/FWP---SIC--Em which is a subplugin for FeedWordPress, but which has some code that GWG and others may find useful for quickly importing images from websites into their own media repository for providing reply contexts in plugins like Post Kinds.

almostdvs, [Michael_Beckwit, alunazero, [tantek], [LewisCowles], [jeremycherfas] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] chrisdaldrich I have been using the feedzy plugin for planes while inoreader html clips were down, it works very well....I can't believe I never put it together that the tweet feeds were being reconstructed from a google sheet in TAgs

sscarfe, almostdvs, [grantcodes], [LewisCowles], tsrt^, [tantek], [manton], petermolnar, [xavierroy], [snarfed], IWSlackGateway, [schmarty], [KevinMarks], [jgmac1106] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] For context, he's referring to Martin Hawkesy's https://tags.hawksey.info/

almostdvs, gRegorLove, [tantek], [Aaron_Klemm], alunazero, sscarfe, [Michael_Beckwit, [Lauro], dougbeal|mb1, [KevinMarks] and crazed joined the channel