#wordpress 2020-02-13
2020-02-13 UTC
[chrisaldrich], [tantek], [LewisCowles], [snarfed], almostdvs, [fluffy], [jgmac1106], beko and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
[Michael_Beckwit [chrisaldrich] is your following page pulling data from the opml file and thus say if Aaron updated his little bio there, it’d reflect the next time you refresh the opml file itself?
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] [Michael_Beckwith] No, it's using the old link manager, so I'd have to update it manually in the database, but when I did, it would automatically update the page, the OPML file, and the feed in my feed reader all in one go.

[Michael_Beckwit gotcha
[Michael_Beckwit i re-enabled links manager as well for at least one site
[chrisaldrich] While it might be nice to allow the updates, and I trust Aaron, I don't know that I'd trust everyone to be able to update public facing data like that on my website.

[Michael_Beckwit ah yeah, good point as the opml wouldn’t be updating from them on their sources
[Michael_Beckwit it’s been a long week and it’s only wednesday
[chrisaldrich] More details here: https://boffosocko.com/2017/11/10/a-following-page/

Loqi [Chris Aldrich] I’ve been slowly but surely working on compiling a list of people I’m following online. In older iterations of the web, this would have been known as a blogroll, but I think it’s time to update the concept and potentially add some new features ... https://i1.wp.com/boffosocko.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Geese-following-each-other-in-flight.jpg?fit=960%2C330&ssl=1

[Michael_Beckwit i’m still digging myself out of an opml import that pulled in 16k posts
[Michael_Beckwit brb, switching computers
[chrisaldrich] Ha!

[fluffy] joined the channel
[Michael_Beckwit 3312 to go!
[chrisaldrich] By the way, if anyone with mad JavaScript skills wants to improve the old bookmarklet for adding data to the Links Manager interface, I'd be terribly indebted. Outline for the idea here: https://boffosocko.com/2019/06/18/from-following-posts-and-blogrolls-following-pages-with-opml-to-microsub-servers-and-readers/#The%20old%20Links%20Manager%20functionality

Loqi [Chris Aldrich] I’m still tinkering away at pathways for following people (and websites) on the open web (in my case within WordPress). I’m doing it with an eye toward making some of the UI and infrastructure easier in light of the current fleet of Microsub serv... https://i1.wp.com/boffosocko.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Geese-following-each-other-in-flight.jpg?fit=960%2C330&ssl=1

[Michael_Beckwit been vetting the feeds and subscribing to some. but many i'm not
[chrisaldrich] My feeds or your 16k size file?

[Michael_Beckwit the latter
[chrisaldrich] Often I'll pull a bunch of feeds in via an opml file into a section called sampling and live with it for a bit before moving them into my permanent rotation. Readers that support OPML subscription are great for this in fact. When you're done with the file, just detach it and you don't have to clear them out one at a time.

[chrisaldrich] Lately I've been sampling a lot of quirky things from Dave Winer's http://feedbase.io/

[Michael_Beckwit interesting
[chrisaldrich] I do wish that it was a more diverse source of content though. Lots of very techy, cis white males in the list in general.

[Michael_Beckwit now i'm wondering how we can help foster more diversity in the IW in general
[Michael_Beckwit though a fair amount of that would be covered by making it easier for everyone to participate
gRegorLove, almostdvs, [dmitshur], alunazero, [jeremycherfas], beko, [xavierroy], [grantcodes], [Rose], petermolnar, jbove, [KevinMarks], tsrt^, [jgmac1106], [datashaman], Dante, zyncho, [schmarty], [tantek] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] I'm curious if anyone has an archive page that simply shows all of their comments in reverse chronological order? Or if there's a plugin that creates such a thing?

[chrisaldrich] I ask in part because it seems like my comments feed doesn't work or show anything in Microsub readers. I thought it would be a useful thing to have in a notifications channel for watching and getting notifications of replies in real time.

[Michael_Beckwit and swimrr joined the channel
swimrr Can someone point me to more information on why I can't modify the CSS on a plugin's back end. I can see the class, but when I add the CSS to my styles.css child theme, not only doesn't it work, but it doesn't even show in the assets.
gRegorLove and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] why not use the notification channel [chrisaldrich] indigineous has ones

[jgmac1106] you have to edit plugin css in the plugin editor itself I believe

[grantcodes] joined the channel
[Michael_Beckwit is the child stylesheet being loaded at all? is it cached? is it saving? is the selector used able to override the specificity from the plugin?
[chrisaldrich] [jgmac1106] That's the problem though, I have a notifications channel with my comments feed in it, but there must be something wrong with the feed itself as it doesn't show up in any of the readers.

[jgmac1106] you get so many you should just set up an email, and have that as a notification feed....I am more anti-notification in my life, they aren't good

[chrisaldrich] Though fixing the proximal issue isn't the problem really, I've got workarounds for that. I'm more curious if anyone has (a plugin) or otherwise displays a page of just comments on their sites? (outside of the traditional widgets that exist, naturally).

[jgmac1106] yes you subcribe to the comment rss feed of your blog

[jgmac1106] are the webmentions not making it into that? I set up a comment feed and blog feed for any WordPress class I teach

[jgmac1106] Chris inoreader is timing out for me...well still spinning...and finding no feeds

[jgmac1106] there we go...took long time

[jgmac1106] 32 feeds./..I wonder if any timeout issues can happen

[jgmac1106] your comment feed shows zero posts

[chrisaldrich] If I put the comments feed directly into Inoreader, it parses and allows subscription.

[chrisaldrich] I've put it through a validator and that works, though it doesn't like the fact that there's an svg icon thrown in by syndication links...

[chrisaldrich] For some reason it's only the microsub readers that show nothing...

[chrisaldrich] [jgmac1106] that looks like the comment feed for just my main page.

[jgmac1106] ophh oops, I didn;t see the feed for all comments, but 32 was a lot to sift through

[chrisaldrich] I'm talking about this feed: https://boffosocko.com/comments/feed/

[chrisaldrich] 32? you should see the other 7,000! 😉

[chrisaldrich] I'm just trying to provide people with some choice... 😛

[jgmac1106] yes, okay thanks....yeah but when you drop your url into inoreader, how long did it take? Most people would give up and have no choice, could be my network

[chrisaldrich] We're flogging a dead horse anyway, I fixed the problem by running the atom version of that feed through granary to output HTML/microformats. I'm more interested in the distal problem. I think Medium.com provides not only pages for individual comments, but pages for comments on a particular post doesn't it?

[jgmac1106] depends on which pivot you refer to, I have no idea how the thing that is a blog Medium refuses to call a blog works

[jgmac1106] I just miss inline annotations

[jgmac1106] I actually find that UI really annoying as you have to sometimes go four click deeps to get to source...again if I remember correctly, gave up on medium some time ago

[chrisaldrich] Medium still has inline annotations (aka private notes). The do bump you to another page now to write longer public replies to highlighted text.

[Rose] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] Interesting to note that some feed readers do better than others on discover. Inoreader can vary by day too apparently. Today it's finding none of my feeds on my base URL when I know it's found many in the past.

[jgmac1106] inoreader just launched major redesign, like a few days ago, if you notice bugs report them in discordf

Dante, zyncho, [jeremycherfas], [fluffy] and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel