#wordpress 2020-02-24

2020-02-24 UTC
miklb, [aaronpk], [David_Bryant], [Brian], linext, [Erika_W_], almostdvs, [gRegorLove], [chrisaldrich], [dave], gRegorLove, [tantek], Dante, [KevinMarks], [jgmac1106], [datashaman], aaronpk, stefanos82, [schmarty], [jeremycherfas], [Michael_Beckwit, [grantcodes], M59NAA8GT7111114 and SpencerDub joined the channel
The Post Kinds plugin is confusing me. I've been drafting a post, and when I delete information from a field in the Response Properties, it doesn't actually delete--if I update my draft of the post, the data just returns.
Is the Response Properties area intended to be used in place of the other parts of the (Classic) editor?
Some info here on adding class names to custom blocks for Guttenberg https://css-tricks.com/gutenberging/
Home / Articles / Gutenberging Avatar of Chris Coyier Avatar of Chris Coyier Author Chris Coyier Comments Start Conversation Published Feb 2...
[tantek], [schmarty], [yo] and [manton] joined the channel
SpencerDub: I'm not sure what triggers this. It happens on occasion. Sometimes I end up with _several_ unpublished posts too. Data is dropped when you switch to Gutenberg, Save and switch back to classic for me tho. Not sure where this comes from so it's a really stric workflow for me.
jeremycherfas, [Michael_Beckwit, [Sadik_Shahadu], [calumryan] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
beko: Working on redoing the interface for Post Kinds
jeremycherfas, [gRegorLove], [schmarty], [tantek], [jgmac1106] and [manton] joined the channel