stefanos82I have created a syncing mechanism which runs every 20 minutes and if I leave it for 8+ hours on, at some point when it synchronizes from my CRM system, it duplicates or even triplicates random products
gRegorLove, joebuhlig and maxwelljoslyn joined the channel
maxwelljoslynJQ, one way to test is by making 2 posts, one of which has an <a> tag linking to the other with microformat classes for webmention (e.g. u-mention-of)
maxwelljoslynthen, try using on the post which links to the other; if that page picks up your link, you did the link format correctly
maxwelljoslynthen, send the webmention with, and see whether the webmention shows up on the post which was linked to
gRegorLove_, [LewisCowles], [grantcodes], [datashaman], joebuhlig, zyncho, chrisaldrich, [jgmac1106] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel; stefanos82 left the channel