#wordpress 2020-04-29

2020-04-29 UTC
[schmarty] and [arush] joined the channel
Correction: As of current Gutenberg post formats appear to be nowhere in site. OK, back to the drawing board. Also I've decided to start documenting this whole process on customerservant.com in notes and such, from day 0 to "OK we finally have something working". Should be interesting.
checks to see if he subscribes to customerservant.com
[arush]: Which feed is most relevant?
Pull the notes feed. Reads and bookmarks are for resources I use.
[arush]: How about articles?
Also I need to find and install the extra feeds plugin I saw floating around and which (I think, but am not sure) GWG wrote.
[arush]: I wrote it for chrisaldrich. It takes feed discovery to the extreme.
Yes grab articles as well.
chrisaldrich basically said, I would like to do it, and I bumped it up in an hour... haven't really taken it seriously
[arush]: Subscribed
OK @GWG you have your first post. 🙂
[jgarber], [manton], [snarfed], nickodd, [mapkyca], ondrejkolin, gRegorLove, [LewisCowles], jeremych_, ondrejkolin_, [jgmac1106], [Arne], juju1, [KevinMarks], zerotex_, [jansauer], zerotex__, [tw2113], zerotex, [Ana_Rodrigues], [chrisaldrich], [jeremycherfas], bishop_bautista, [Molly], [Aaron_Klemm], [tantek], dangjavageek and [schmarty] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
A quirky and somewhat unexpected WordPress site I ran across today while researching commonplace books: http://jazz-quotes.com/
[KevinMarks] and [asuh] joined the channel