#wordpress 2020-04-28

2020-04-28 UTC
[manton], dopplergange, [chrisaldrich], [prtksxna], gRegorLove, nickodd, [LewisCowles], jamietanna, zerotex__, zerotex_, [mapkyca], [jansauer], jgmac1106 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
funny I don’t like displaying mention content by default, replies yes, but minimum I want to seperate mentions and replies
[LewisCowles], [mapkyca], [grantcodes], [jgmac1106], [manton], zerotex__ and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
I need a favor from someone who does WordPress development.
I'm adding docblocks to my code. It's a pain in the neck for me...and can someone read them so I don't feel so bad.
[tw2113] joined the channel
next time i pass by them, I’ll make sure to read every word and scrutinize the shape of the letters
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Not got an extension for your editor GWG? I just start a comment above a function and it fills in all the main stuff
[tw2113]: I have been working on doing it for one plugin for two days
it may take a while
[grantcodes]: Is there one for vi?
Hah maybe not if you're hardcore enough to use vi and not even vim 😄
[snarfed] joined the channel
I'm surprised PHPCBF won't do it
[tobyS] pdv: PHP Documentor for VIM - Generates PHP docblocks
That's just for code style isn't it? It can't generate anything new, just fix what is there. You can probably set up phpcs to show errors when there isn't a comment though
gRegorLove joined the channel
[grantcodes]: I do that now.
It will be easier once I just have to maintain it
It is just going through dozens of files right now
On a positive note, I couldn't remember what some of those functions do.
perhaps for developer docs, outside of just the phpdoc block, you could start outlining “if you need to do ___, use these functions”
I'm hoping the effort might get more people contributing.
[arush] joined the channel
Hi all.
Hi, [arush]. What's new?
hi amanda
Working on personal indieweb stuff, and contemplating the idea of migrating my work site over to Gutenberg while ideally being able to keep the indieweb stuff. Researching how I would need to contribute to indieweb plugins to pull this off successfully.
i vote gut gutenberg back out, but that’s like me trying to fly to the moon too
It depends on the plugin. Webmentions don't really need Gutenberg
Post Kinds is going to be a challenge.
Syndication Links might be easy to port... although it does work in it's current iteration
that’d be an interesting idea for anyone who’s really bored…what field types and where should each setting go for a WP block setup. Example, in the sidebar panel, as an item on a toolbar when selected, etc
i stand by my statement from weeks ago, whoever decides to take on gutenberg in indieweb, also elects themselves to be maintainer of it 😄
steps back
Not I
Personally, I’m hopeful that Amanda could help aid in testing accessibility of the blocks themselves, as I know she’s been vocal on the topic there
Yeah personally I'm in favor of nuking GB. But, having worked on at least one client site where classic editor and GB were in play at the same time, way too much organizational/management overhead was created, and since we have basically a hard cut-off for classic editor, it's something I'll need to start working on.
hadn’t heard any sort of cut off date for classic editor yet, now i’m curious
[arush]: Running WordPress headless and using Micropub?
Yeah I'm basically volunteering to be the guinnea pig/maintainer because I would never ask anyone else to do this. Hard cut-off for classic editor is end of 2021/2022, unless something absolutely catostrophic happens and Matt is forced to revise. That's the cue I took from last year's state of the word and so I stepped back from contributing to the actual project itself to try to figure out which fork in the road I was going to take. The
tricky part to all this is that, as long as there's no experience with the classic editor, the other screen reader users I've come across or worked with like Gutenberg, but the fine print is that these are new sites and they have no other experience with WP. The organizational client I have also happened to like GB over classic, while I stuck with classic, and that definitely created some challenges for creating and editing content,
picking a theme, ETC.
[arush]: How can we help you?
Yeah running it headless and using micropub is definitely an option.
@GWG do you have any detailed docs on post kinds specifically? From what I understand it's basically taxonomies. I think things like indieweb, micropub, webmention, should work and the biggest challenge will be figuring out how to add the mf2 via blocks so that indieauth and bridgy at least still work. Going to fork some repos and start experimenting.
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[arush]: I just started writing docblocks for more of my code
I need to do Post Kinds and Parse This
IndieAuth and Webmentions need nothing
zerotex, [fluffy] and dopplergange joined the channel
@gwg I was wondering what was behind the choice to make post kinds an extension of post formats instead of custom post types. Not making a judgment call, just trying to get inside your thought process.
[arush]: Post type 'post' = h-entry?
If I were to do h-event or such, it might be a custom post type
@gwg re: hentry that makes sense.
Oh. Looks like WordPress made some of the post formats separate blocks. So you start some content, and then pick status, for example, and type your status.
Wonder how that works. SHould look
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
That could potentially give you some code you could use as a template and then shovel in some microformats...
[mapkyca] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
I would love to have a link extension in the first place
Sorry, it is in german :(
[pfefferle]: Link extension?
[pfefferle]: Also, hello. Nice to see you. Noticed you are looking at Portisch as well...small world.
And my docblock project will eventually reach webmentions
Are you using IRC?
just posted a screenshot
Yes, but I can check Slack
I experimented with a sonoff RF bridge
[pfefferle]: So did I. Small world
was a lot of time
not that much good tutorials out there
and I have a very exotic shutter
perhaps wie should open an indie-home channel 😉
[pfefferle]: We've been talking about it a bunch in -chat.
[pfefferle]: I also need more unit tests for some of our shared work
unit tests are always nice
After the MF2 parsing code is in, I want to unit test it before hooking it up to another.
Right now, it doesn't trigger on receiving a webmention in the current PR
[tantek], [grantcodes], [jeremycherfas], primitivMedia, [KevinMarks] and [snarfed] joined the channel