#wordpress 2020-05-10

2020-05-10 UTC
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[Rose] I know that [kimberlyhirsh] did it a few months back, but I don't remember hearing that she had any issues. [manton] obviously may have some experience with having done it a few times as well.
gRegorLove, zerotex__, nickodd and [manton] joined the channel
I think the issue is when the WordPress post HTML doesn't have any reference to the photo. Usually if you're adding photos in WordPress, the export will also include an `img` tag, etc. But using the Post Kinds plugin the photo posts just have the text for the post, so Micro.blog doesn't know where the photo is.
gRegorLove_, Loqi, zerotex_, nickodd, [KevinMarks], jamietanna and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] Geocoding support is finished. You can now add a location provider to search for addresses.
gRegorLove joined the channel
Where's it hiding GWG?
Of course I'm only going anywhere every 2-3 weeks, so I might have to play around with phony data for a bit, or label each room of the house...
Is it released or in the github repo?
[chrisaldrich]: In the develop branch in GitHub.
More to do before a release
I want to get my weather station in
GWG has 48 karma in this channel over the last year (140 in all channels)
How to set it up, I am trying to figure out the design
[manton] joined the channel
[Rose] I'm looking over another WordPress export, and I do see image data in "attachment" items outside the actual blog posts, with a post_id reference. Does your export have that? If so, I can probably update Micro.blog to support it.
[Rose] joined the channel
I don't know! I'll take a look in a minute.
[manton]: I might need to make some modifications on the Post Kinds side. They are on my list regardless to improve photo posting.
[manton] It is in the file! But not inside the item. I replied to the support ticket from yesterday with the excerpt and the whole file for you.
[Rose] Great, thanks! I'll look into it. That seems straightforward to add support for.
Sure! Enjoy your Sunday though 🙂
Thanks, you too!
[Katherine] and jamietanna joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
What is Wikity?
Wikity is a custom WordPress theme that adds wiki functionality to the WordPress platform https://indieweb.org/Wikity
gRegorLove joined the channel
I think I'm going to start tinkering away on this today to see how layering on the IndieWeb pieces works out.
gRegorLove, gRegorLove_, [KevinMarks] and [tantek] joined the channel