#wordpress 2020-05-11

2020-05-11 UTC
Oclair and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[Chris Aldrich] Thoughts on Wikity for WordPress
I read it already
beko, gRegorLove__, nickodd, [fluffy], jamietanna, aaronpk, jeremych_, [Rose], [LewisCowles], [Sadik_Shahadu], [jgmac1106], choy_, [KevinMarks] and [prtksxna] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] Thanks for sharing this! The idea seems really cool.
But with Gutenberg I don’t know how reliably the in-theme-editor is going to work. Even for Automattic supported themes like P2.
One of the things that I noticed around this was that even the Quick Draft panel on the dashboard homepage doesn’t work with Gutenberg.
If you create a page using that and then open it on Gutenberg, it complains saying that it is a classic editor block. Its able to convert it into Gutenberg blocks fairly easily though 🙂
On the topic of Gutenberg… being able to do anything that feels ‘natively gutenberg’ is so hard, and the documentation is so short!
I’ve just been referring to code here - https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/tree/master/packages/block-library/src - to figure stuff out 😕
I am also a bit frustrated with the lack of clarity (or my lack of understanding) around block-based themes and block patterns 😞
[grantcodes] joined the channel
[prtksxna] yeah for building custom blocks with input areas etc that is pretty poorly documented
[grantcodes] Have you been building any blocks?
Occasionally. But not a huge amount. Will need to start making custom blocks for work soon though
[aimee] joined the channel
I can recommend container blocks or whatever they are called though. You can make a custom block that allows other blocks inside it and you can limit what blocks are allowed and set default values etc
Yeah, I saw those in the Gutenberg source, but couldn’t understand them fully. Any blog post or tutorial you’ve come across that could help?
Not that I remember 😬 I think I just copied from the block that is like media + text
[WordPress] gutenberg-examples: Examples for extending WordPress/Gutenberg with blocks.
[jgarber], [jansauer], [tantek] and [Sadik_Shahadu] joined the channel
Ooh, that is going to be useful!
All the ones in the block-editor/src are way more complex though, and not very very documented imho
[LewisCowles] and [tw2113] joined the channel
“not very well documented” the Gutenberg story
yeah, that just turned into my next tweet
“Not Very Well Documented” the Gutenberg documentary
[jgmac1106] and nickodd joined the channel
Good day, friends
[tw2113]: Are you around for brain picking?
dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
And yes, I know I should just ask. But it's a long paragraph to explain
i have some client work that is hoping to be shipped today, so if it’s not urgent to get the feedback back to you, I can respond later
Extremely non urgent
I've been stuck on this for days, just need to get outside my headspace.
I've been tightening up my location code, and there is one goal I'd like to achieve.
I want to be able to use my own station data, which I've massaged into JSON.
So, I need some sort of config and storage to do that.
I'm trying to figure out how to set it up.
My thoughts were a station page that has name, location, and URL/provider and it searches said list for matches and overrides other considerations.
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Good morning all. GWG 🎩
I'll try to take a look at the location changes in the next day or two. Its one of those things that would be nice to have, but I don't think about it frequently since I don't go anywhere anymore.
[chrisaldrich]: Aspirational
[chrisaldrich]: Aspirational
I am also prioritizing the station weather as I have that for my house..where most of my posts are coming from.
I need to solve that problem
[jgmac1106], [jeremycherfas], SpencerDub, gRegorLove, [fluffy], [chrisaldrich], bishop_bautista, [snarfed], petermolnar, [jgarber] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel; nickodd and petermolnar left the channel