#wordpress 2020-05-12

2020-05-12 UTC
[chrisaldrich] and [benatwork] joined the channel
thanks [KevinMarks] I took a stab at it, but welcome others who may want to provide further details: https://boffosocko.com/2020/05/11/55770917/
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Note the additional context here: https://micro.blog/bix/9633127 as well as some follow up posts he's also made on the topic on his site since then...
[bix] Has anyone gotten webmention set up on a WordPress blog solely for internal references? So that when you link to previous of your own posts, those posts will then also link back, creating a deeper contextual web on your blog? Addenda I’m not talki...
[prtksxna] joined the channel
I’ve been thinking about this too. A separate references section coming out of comments would be nice!
I was looking at the What Links Here feature in Mediawiki, but never realised that WebMentions already does this!
I think it was someone’s blog post (can’t remember who) after the Gardens & Streams session that mentioned the idea
Yes, the bidirectional link is pretty valuable.
[snarfed], [jgarber], [tantek] and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
Anyone here tried the jetpack CDN (its now available on the free plan too)
nickodd, gRegorLove_, [aimee], [LewisCowles], [jgmac1106], [prtksxna], jeremych_, [jgarber] and [tw2113] joined the channel
and just like that, i have an extensible idea for self tracking things
though i’d need to be careful not to reproduce what’s already easily available to me 😄
[tantek], [prtksxna], nickodd and [jgarber] joined the channel
[tw2113] What are you referring to?
cal joined the channel
Any tips for dealing with unicode characters in micropub? In particular emojis e.g. https://pokemongoers.wpcomstaging.com/2020/05/11/78/
( note the u2665uFE0F which would be emoji for heart... is there a character encoding setting?)
[KevinMarks] and [tw2113] joined the channel
[prtksxna] my early/general idea is some sort of framework or class system or something that allows for easily setting up ways to track things you do/consume/etc
wanna track book reading? beers you have, movies you watch, etc
wanna include details like page number, abv, meta data about the movie? that’d be able to fairly easily set up, assuming i actually work out how to do it all, and they’d all have components you extend
I need to solve that problemwhat is this design?
Sorry, keep hitting up
[tw2113]: What is this design?
dunno yet, it’s just an initial idea that i had earlier
otherwise, general object orientated programming and extension
gRegorLove_, [aimee], [LewisCowles] and [tim038] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
Anyone know how to get Bridgy to tweet a full Wordpress permalink instead of a ?p=# link?
Example post:
Tweet created by Bridgy:
iPad Pro 11” owners: do you have a case you particularly like? I’m looking to replace my current case and I’d like something that: * is lightweight * provides good coverage * if possible, can be converted into a stand that is stable and has good… https://timw.io/?p=49
[Tim Weston] iPad Pro 11” owners: do you have a case you particularly like? I’m looking to replace my current case and I’d like something that: is lightweight provides good coverage if possible, can be converted into a stand that is stable and has good view...
I believe there is a setting
Thanks, I’ll re-read that
[Sadik_Shahadu], gRegorLove_, 874AADZ1O, [grantcodes] and zerotex_ joined the channel