Loqi[bix] Has anyone gotten webmention set up on a WordPress blog solely for internal references? So that when you link to previous of your own posts, those posts will then also link back, creating a deeper contextual web on your blog?
I’m not talki...
[tw2113][prtksxna] my early/general idea is some sort of framework or class system or something that allows for easily setting up ways to track things you do/consume/etc
[tw2113]wanna include details like page number, abv, meta data about the movie? that’d be able to fairly easily set up, assuming i actually work out how to do it all, and they’d all have components you extend
@timwestoniPad Pro 11” owners: do you have a case you particularly like? I’m looking to replace my current case and I’d like something that: * is lightweight * provides good coverage * if possible, can be converted into a stand that is stable and has good… https://timw.io/?p=49 (twitter.com/_/status/1259315078639353857)
Loqi[Tim Weston] iPad Pro 11” owners: do you have a case you particularly like?
I’m looking to replace my current case and I’d like something that:
is lightweight
provides good coverage
if possible, can be converted into a stand that is stable and has good view...