#wordpress 2020-07-11

2020-07-11 UTC
nickodd and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Huzzah! [tw2113]
Yo ho.
[tw2113] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] i'm eying possibly using the date_modified timestamp for "read in X" date queries
and the "date finished" standard
plus i could use a good use case for date queries
sknebel, [itsjustk], [tantek], [chrisaldrich], [KevinMarks], [jgmac1106], [Sadik_Shahadu] and nickodd joined the channel
gwg I am finding a lot of the urls I enter do not add anything to the name field form in the Response Properties box.
Add a list to the Parse This library and I'll check
I think it was bad source, the bookmark Parsed the title but not the quote
I am recording SemPress tutorials now, can't do anything micropub yet till I get a stupid certifcation issue resolved
yeah it was bad markup in the source, not a parse this issue
I just fixed moon phase calculation...which was off
pick a day and time and we can try hacking on the events plugin I am working on, maybe [chrisaldrich] and [tw2113] would want to join....I canget really close
I am pretty open outside work
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
start of the SemPress tutorials: http://jgmac1106.tech-4-teens.club/sempress-tutorials/ I know I am missing moderating webmentions, POSSE, and micropub but please checkout and give feedback
[fluffy] and [tw2113] joined the channel
do i read? or do i put in some more work on my custom functionality for my website...about reading
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Like building a collection of notes and quotes you could associate with the book after.... That to me is hardest part. I love boundary between page and screen but want to save to screen from page
since i'm all about post types, taxonomies, and meta, it's a huge mix of all that. reviews and ratings are going to be comment/comment meta in this case
need to check on how to create comment types next
ok, i'm done with custom work for a little bit, i need to relocate and get some weekend reading in. Started Treasure Island last weekend
[schmarty] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[tw2113]++ for ultimately doing both!
[tw2113] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
[jgmac1106], let me know what time you and GWG figure out for the events plugin and I'll put it on my schedule.
Sorry, I don't see the events plugin and I'll put it on my schedule. on https://indieweb.org/irc-people
I'm busy with the moon
Maybe we should all do a mini-hack session like that one weekend and go through and add microformats to some themes as a group?
If we could get a handful of us together, one could lead the rest of us step-by-step and we could go through a group of themes simultaneously and then doublecheck our work after-the-fact.
[Chris Aldrich] I’ll meet you tonight under the moon. Oh, I can see you now, you and the moon. You wear a necktie so I’ll know you. Groucho Marx (October 2, 1890 – August 19, 1977), comedian in The Cocoanuts (1929), written by George S. Kaufman I’ll meet ... https://i2.wp.com/boffosocko.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Meet-Me-Under-the-Moon.jpg?resize=205%2C246
[chrisaldrich]: When is good for you?
I just got pulled into a cutthroat Mille Bourne game
for which one?
(Greg's events idea or the microformats one?) I'm broadly free outside of a small handful of upcoming events.
I haven't played Mille Bourne in decades...
[tw2113] joined the channel
naturally they have smart device apps for it
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Smart device apps for what?
[Murray] joined the channel