#wordpress 2020-07-29

2020-07-29 UTC
[tantek], [chrisaldrich], drkokandy and noms[m] joined the channel
GWG, never be sorry that air conditioning shows up...
After last week's HWC down here, with the heat wave, I could barely last through Thursday work.
nickodd, [jeremycherfas], [mapkyca], [jgmac1106], [tantek] and [Rose] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
having fun back on WP for a day, remember I left mainly bc my shared host and bridgy don't play nice (even though Known uses Bridgy too), I want the myspace vibe of plumbing works but I can screw up the design to my hearts content
and it just annoys my logic how hard it is to add a stuff to the class property...but that is really want as above with css
but still everything does just work and their are 14,000 plugins for any task, 17 of them work well
it does annoy me that as an Open Source project one person sits as BD4L...not a fan of that kind of governance
[argovaerts], [grantcodes], ndegruchy, [mapkyca], [manton], [Rose], [jgmac1106], [schmarty], [jeremycherfas], [chrisaldrich] and [Murray] joined the channel
gwg what is the update from github plugin you recommend?
[fluffy] and [argovaerts] joined the channel
GitHub Updater
[chrisaldrich] gwg titleless notes do not get links in the camps rss feed: http://tech-4-teens.club/our-feed/ do you see anything here I can use: https://docs.themeisle.com/article/1130-how-to-use-feedzy-with-a-shortcode
makes me wonder if I can use Feedzy as a way to import all my older sites into one mega archive...until we get Migration from Micropub, but havent checked in with cleverdevil in awhile on that project 😉
justache joined the channel
I am thinking of taking a day or two off to work on projects
I don't have anywhere to go vacationwise
GWGCon goes remote in 2020
hey gwg quick question...where could I add this function would it be in the plug-in itself or the main function file of my theme: https://docs.themeisle.com/article/942-in-feedzy-how-do-i#link-imported-to-initial-source
[tw2113] joined the channel
something i need to fix for my book data…remove the randomization of display…random + pagination = no order at all
[jgmac1106]: You could make it its own plugin
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
I like inoreaders feeds better, especially titleless posts, but I can't get it to work right now.
ndegruchy and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] [chrisaldrich] Autonomie has a custom implementation of the syndication Plugin to display it outside the e-content
I also plan to submit it to the wp.org repo... wish me luck...
yeah I switched to Autonomie...I think the bug I have now is in the syndication links plugin
Ah, I ran into that, too. I wasn't able to see my syndicated posts
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] what exactly
[spieper] joined the channel
I noticed Syndication Links don’t appear in the latest Autonomie version too. Switch back to an older version and they reappear.
I don't think I changed anything big recently.
[tw2113] joined the channel
bookmarked that event to see about attending myself. Won’t hurt to have more people who are contributing to the plugin development around
shrysr, [Ana_Rodrigues], [tb] and jamietanna joined the channel
ndegruchy: Probably more on topic here, but I change every theme to use the methodology used by _s
GWG, indeed. underscores is where I started looking. Seems like a sane starting point
at least, as sane as one can get in WordPress/PHP
The structure being that template pieces are separated
functions.php only has the theme setup functions and helper functions are separated out..
I am a horrible designer, but I have updated several themes to Indieweb compatibility
ndegruchy: Got a list of your goals/itches?
Not as of current. I've been floating between themes lately. I'm also not much of a designer and trying to wrangle all that, plus having another look at jekyll earlier this week has kept me off of doing much of anything. I'll get something together, though. I have a project board for it.
Jekyll is far easier to theme. The problem is, you have no way of ingesting stuff except by using "someone else's stuff" -- or self-hosting everything.
[KevinMarks] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
If you're doing diy themes wp5.5 is going to be really helpful
They're finally adding the ability to easily pass data to `get_template_part` so themes can become much tidier using that
[grantcodes]: I will use that
ndegruchy: heh, afraid that's just the wordpress experience (PHP spaghetti code)
[tb] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
edited /2020/Pop-ups/GettingStartedWithWordPress (+901) "/* To Do List */ Post to DoOO community; curriculum outline"
(view diff)
[fluffy] joined the channel