#wordpress 2020-07-30

2020-07-30 UTC
GWG, [jgmac1106], and any others who'd like to work on WordPress Themes (or learn how) ^^
Loqi apparently wasn't triggered....
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[pfefferle] something happens with bridgy publish where <a class="u-syndication" href="https://brid.gy/publish/twitter"></a> isn't included
but then it is sometimes when I update a post..which made me think plugin more than theme
but for now I just keep <a class="u-syndication" href="https://brid.gy/publish/twitter"></a> on a txt file and cut and paste every time
gwg I do need to look at your post kind menu css for the widgets but..time...is there a repo so I dont forget?
[chrisaldrich] how do we stress to the #DoOO crowd the benefits of teaching with webmentions?
Asking someone to tunr away from 10+ years of WordPress customizations just to get mf2 working is a hard ask...so we need a hard sell...what is so much better about mf2 and social readers vs blogs and rss?
I am a believer, just need to figure out the right mix of truth and snake oil
[arush] joined the channel
Hey Greg are you still using Bridgy Publish, or have you switched to using Syndication Links to publish via Bridgy? I'm speaking of the WordPress plugins, not the way things are on the Bridgy side.
Also agree that asking people to turn away from a bunch of WP customizations to get MF2 working is a hard ask. I mean I did it, because for me being able to own my own data and have people interacting with my website is that important, but I suspect I'm odd in that regard.
[tantek] joined the channel
[arush] no this with autonomie and given your accessibility advocacy you should let folks know it is more supported than SemPress
but I think this is something weird not in the theme...I can manual to it hurls and its only for bird machine syndication
site to site webmentions like we so with our campers still works
maxwelljoslyn, beko, [tantek], [jeremycherfas] and [tw2113] joined the channel
I made an autonomie child theme for my primary IWC focused site
it's suiting my needs and when it doesn't, I have the WP knowledge and skill to make it 😄
[LewisCowles], [Rose], Kappa and [arush] joined the channel
I think John's using Autonomie on his site. I'm using the Indieweb Publisher theme that I've slightly customized, I need to do some more of that. Autonomie is a good theme though and I should probably tweet it out again with another note on accessibility. How well does it work with Gutenberg? John likes it but I don't, so as long as he has the classic editor installed so that the other indieweb stuff will work, can he use GB for other
stuff? That last is directed at MB.
[jeremycherfas], [Murray], aaavvva, [mapkyca], Kappa, ndegruchy, [jgmac1106], [manton] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] don't worry too much about the mf2 bits. People will switch over to the other bits and enjoy the new functionality and interaction. We'll slowly figure out how to help them either adapt or modify their themes to add the needed pieces or they'll switch themselves.
I suspect a lot, especially in the DoOO crowd, would like a path away from Twitter and a tiny bit of work isn't only worth it, but probably welcome. Add yourself to that "Theme raising" pop-up and we'll try to get a start.
Also most DoOO-ers have one or more tech sepecialists on-site who can help them with the handful of theme changes they may need for an acceptable level of mf2 to make things display properly.
Don't let "perfect" be the enemy of the "good".
[chrisaldrich]: I should go back to Indieweb Publisher
Also, I think these repeated discussions about mf2 (especially without any actual follow up work) create far more fear, uncertainty, and doubt for newcomers than they're worth. People get scared away before they've event tried things out or they're worried about some uncertain future instead of having joy in new tools. mf1 is reasonably workable and we can always help people to upgrade to mf2 or figure out what will work for them.
gwg need a photostream grid theme
I think I mapped out the most popular theme and types somewhere
I think the majority of times I've seen people come into chat to say that things don't work for them, they find not only the help they need, but others end up building additional new functionality that they didn't know they wanted.
I really like a hack a theme pop up session idea
I want to play with the SPLOTS and then a photogrid theme..
I suspect that if we had some appropriate theme patches pushed to a handful of developers (as an example, Anders Norén indicated he had some interest at WordCampUS https://www.andersnoren.se/teman/) they would see, learn, and adopt the patterns and put them into all of their themes. Others who use those as templates or guides would also better copy them for broader support.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] that is what I used to do put Elementor on top of SemPress it actually works really well
I gave up my pro license though so can't demo...but I could do the coolest things with building different feeds and pages
But it’s always the same question: the mf2 plugin breaks my theme, but I thought I have to use it
yes which is why the mf2 plugin should not come with the indieweb plugins
but almost all the time if I search for old microformats, delete them and then turn on mf2 I get really, really close
Perhaps we could change the wording on the description and provide a handful of caveats so people would better understand when it's appropriate to use the mf2 plugin (or not) and what they check to see if it's causing more issues than it fixes?
this is example of a photogrid theme I mean: https://anneliesejuergensen.wordpress.com/
right now it is never appropriate to use the plugin
If there are specific (especially widely popular) themes that seem like good candidates, then add them to the themes page on the wiki (or on the pop up session) so we can work on them.
will do, searching my notes now, feel like I did this with Grant
on the pop themes page?
also it's time for WPCampus..... GWG, if you have time, it might make for some good networking... lots of higher ed and library tech people hanging around....
WPCampus is now?
Yesterday and today.
registration is not open yet
never had much to show but now I have the camp and it is gaining a lot traction attracting some funders
[tb] and [mapkyca] joined the channel
I love this post and the fact that he's signalling what he wants out of the session: https://willtmonroe.com/microblog/indieweb-events/
I unfortunately have work
Now lunch
nickodd and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
↩️ Not sure why you like that theme [jgmac1106] It looks terrible without JS.
[schmarty], [tantek], [tb], [KevinMarks] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
↩️ I am saying that photogrid themes are requested
↩️ using it as an example in real time and not as a model
[tw2113] joined the channel
[jgmac1106]: I want to be able to present /kind/photo as a grid archive
I can write the CSS if you can write the functions
[jgmac1106]: I need to update my list of things I want to do this month
crazed and nickodd left the channel
start an ehterpad we can vote on what you are doing
[fluffy], [chrisaldrich] and [Murray] joined the channel
Interesting thought
[schmarty], [jeremycherfas], ndegruchy, [tantek], [manton], bishop_bautista, [tw2113] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel; ndegruchy left the channel