#wordpress 2020-08-28

2020-08-28 UTC
[tw2113], webdev and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] not sure if you’re familiar with https://wordpress.org/plugins/custom-post-type-ui/ at all, but i’m the primary dev/support person for it, and I frequently get support requests around permalink customization. So now you have me coming up with possible real life examples that i could try to solve, and thus be able to pass to users wanting help with the same thing
[WebDevStudios] Description Custom Post Type UI provides an easy to use interface for registering and managing custom post types and taxonomies for your website. While CPTUI helps solve the problem of creating custom post types, displaying the data gleaned from the...
including one just today that was ideally wanting .com/post-type/term permalinks!
I know that GWG has been hoping for comments/comment meta being upgraded in WP to allow more interesting things for Webmentions. He's got a better explanation of it than I could do to give it any justice.
I recall there's a trak ticket for core too somewhere, but I'm at a loss for it at the moment.
I've been trying to get custom comment type registration in
oh i’m sure there’s plenty of treasure nuggets in trac that would be awesome but have niche interest
I'd heard of that plugin (and pretty sure I've used it once or twice for simple things), but didn't realize you worked on it [tw2113]
pretty steadily since spring 2013, which is pretty awesome imho
and…yep, 800k+ active installs. No pressure
no pressure at all...
is that something that's moving toward the Gutenberg model as well? how is that being handled?
no, in terms of CPTUI. The plugin is essentially a huge form that collects arguments for register_post_type() and register_taxonomy()
we make sure things are registered on time and whatnot, but nothing with querying and display
[Emma_Humphries] joined the channel
I remember contemplating doing custom types for indieweb related posts before I found Post Kinds Plugin.... so glad I didn't go down the route of building it out myself...
I was just looking at that three mile long screen capture in the plugin page... 🙂
i should reconsider that one
oh god CPTUI O_O
that was a fun time
a user Ruxton? or horror story that I could have helped with? 😄
I'd always done Custom post types using core, but one of designers I worked with didn't and I now work at the company he built the theme for :P
Does this mean you know Justin Sternberg [tw2113]? I used his DsgnWrks Importer for Instagram for PESOS for a long time...
former coworker, still on good terms with him to this day
only 5 custom types and 7 custom fields and I was like "WHHHY COULDN'T YOU JUST LEARN TO DO IT WITHOUT THAT?"
I seem to recall there being a website that had a bunch of UI that you could throw some of your needs in and it would build the code for you to drop in custom post types... I think I used it once or twice but haven't seen it in ages.
sounds familiar but i don’t know the domain
[tw2113] I just noticed your Untappd plugin too.... are you still using it or have you found a way to better POSSE/PESOS the data directly?
I know it was something [Khurt] was interested in having better versions of...
nope, that one for me is still post there, pull into own site. Not sure I’ll try to reverse that either.
I don't use the app very often, but I
nickodd joined the channel
i'm pretty sure I set up an IFTTT -> webhook -> micropub endpoint PESOS workflow for it.
i’m pretty sure I have untappd in my notes of things to pull in, but as is I haven’t done anything with it. Plus in some senses do i really want to own how much of a varied lush I can be at times?
I tend more toward mixed drinks, so collecting beers and wines isn't as much of a thing for me... and my consumption is pretty marginal to boot.
[asuh] joined the channel
tw2113++ for CPT UI, I’ve used this for a few projects, it’s a wonderful shortcut to get things done
tw2113 has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (8 in all channels)
I'm more of an on the rocks guy for harder stuff, but we're all our own people
thank you [asuh] 😄 glad I could help out in any way possible. We at WebDevStudios are also not against the idea of being a plugin that acts as a generator of code that is exported/saved elsewhere. Whatever gets the job done for you and your project, is a win for us
also just getting post types/taxonomies set up quick and easy, we do what we can
GWG, justache, [tantek], gRegorLove, [asuh], [Ana_Rodrigues], [fluffy], [Murray], jeremych_, [James_Gallaghe], [Rose], [KevinMarks], [manton], [tb], nickodd, [tw2113], [snarfed], [chrisaldrich], [Mat_Rosero], buswolley and [schmarty] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel