#wordpress 2020-08-29

2020-08-29 UTC
Ani, [chrisaldrich], [tantek], [fluffy], nickodd, [fluffy]1, beko, [jeremycherfas], [James_Gallaghe], [KevinMarks], [Ana_Rodrigues], [grantcodes], jeremy, jeremy-, [manton], [snarfed], zerotex, zerotex_ and zerotex__ joined the channel
Post Kinds plugin has some great support for custom creating posts of particular kinds with URL parameters like example.com/wp-admin/post-new.php?kind=reply, I've searched around and may be missing it, but does WordPress core allow setting categories or tags with URL parameters like this?
[chrisaldrich]: Yes and no.
Look under query variables
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
that makes it sound like the pieces are there, but I'm going to have to write the custom code to make it so?
Outline your intentions and I'll see what I can advise
The category and tag queries use ids, not slugs
I think I tried them both (ids and slugs as well as combinations of categories/tags) with no luck... let me double check
[James_Gallaghe], zerotex, [snarfed] and [tantek] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel