#wordpress 2020-09-04

2020-09-04 UTC
[chrisaldrich], JohnBeales and [tw2113] joined the channel
at my dayjob, i think we have like 8 of those 700k+
but we got them patched up 😄
So ya know, i work for a WP maintenance and support company
j12t, JohnBeales and [Serena] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] thanks! For some reason, bridgy says I'm missing the instagram rel="me" link when it's there...
[Serena] bridgy looks for rel me links in the website field and in the bio if I recall.
maxwelljoslyn joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] bridgy could find the Twitter rel me and it's in the same location.
I know that Instagram doesn't play nice with bridgy, and I don't know whether this has something to do with it, or there's something wrong with my rel me.
[Serena] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[Serena] which Instagram account and which website are you trying to connect?
I see https://brid.gy/instagram/vishae# in Brid.gy, but serenawho.com isn't resolving at the moment (though it may be down because you're working on it?)
And then separately I see https://www.sleepyowl.ink/ which links to instagram/vishae properly...
If this is the case, then it looks like you need to switch your brid.gy account to match sleepyowl and not sherenawho...
[Serena] your user page says "implemented functionalities to allow for categories and post kinds to be pre-selected via URL"; I was looking into how to do the categories part myself recently. I'm curious how you're doing that? Have you written about it?
[Serena] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] let me check, I have implemented it, just have to remember how I didit
I think I found some function/plugin
[tw2113] joined the channel
darn buried functions in random files!
nickodd joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] Found it. I hadn't written anything up because I found a script someone had written on Github, but unfortunately going to the link now, it seems that person has taken it down.
I have the function (including notes) that I'd added to my own functionality plugin. Do you want it, or did you want to wait till I write something up?
If you have an easy way to send it, yes! (Gist perhaps?) Otherwise I can wait until you've written it out. I spent an hour or so doing some research on it this past weekend and it seems an easy thing that should already exist, I just didn't make any headway on the handful of guesses at the way I thought it should work.
[tw2113] when I think about the number of partial blogposts I have documented in commented out code in my functions.php file.... don't get me started.
↩ī¸ `/*`
`This function allows me to set default post, category and tag for new WordPress post based on the URL I used.`
Who knew that functions.php was one of my favorite WordPress editing tools? If only I could write to it using Micropub, then I'd really have something!
[Serena] joined the channel
Thanks [Serena]++
[Serena] has 1 karma over the last year
no problem
I should probably write it up, now that I know that github page no longer exists
I just finished the first run of adding an Artist/Artist URL to images in the media library.
it is probable
btw, regarding that brid.gy issue serenawho.com and supine-owl.com doesn't exist anymore. Any clue how I can remove that from my brid.gy profile? According to bridgy, I just have to remove it from my social media account, but I removed it ages ago.
interesting function
My guess would be that you should be able to log out of your brid.gy account and then log back in, which should force it to re-look at your account and fix the issue.
saving for my own potential use later 😄
only if you use it for good there, Captain....
using things for good never did me anything great, i'm going to try using it for quasi-evil for a change
nevermind, I'm back. quasi-evil tried to get me to drink some koolaid
[Serena] Let us know if that doesn't work for some reason. I'd test it out, but it's been so long since I used Instagram, I don't remember the password and I'd have to do the annoying password recovery dance and hope for the best.
they seem to serve ads every 3-5 photos/stories, so be prepared
Here's the relevant bit of documentation about brid.gy, relinking your account and rel-me placement: https://brid.gy/about#profile-links
yeah, I was looking at my Instagram profile and it has my current URL on it, so I need to figure out how to make brid.gy scan that and relink my account
btw, [tw2113] [chrisaldrich] I also have a bookmark javascript that would auto fill Response Properties section of WP when you're trying to bookmark/like/reply to something - although it's been a while since I've used it
There should be a "log out" link at the top of https://brid.gy/instagram/vishae# if you're logged in. Otherwise, go to https://brid.gy/ and click on the Instagram button to log in. Hopefully that should reset things.
[Chris Aldrich] Post Types Within the broader social media world there are a huge variety of types of posts. These range from common articles to status updates to likes or favorites to more varied post types like photos, bookmarks, RSVPs, checkins, videos, reviews, ... https://i1.wp.com/boffosocko.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Tumblr-post-type-options.png?fit=828%2C166&ssl=1
actually, yeah that's it
"I happen to have Marshall McLuhan right over here...." 🙂
If only life were so easy.
petermolnar, [fluffy], JohnBeales, [Murray], [Ana_Rodrigues], [James_Gallaghe], [Jan_Lukas_Else], [jgmac1106], j12t, ciudadanob[m], pauho[m], RobertWinter[m], jeremych_, [tw2113], justache, nickodd, [tantek], wagle, [chrisaldrich], [KevinMarks], [LewisCowles] and Oclair joined the channel