#wordpress 2020-09-05
2020-09-05 UTC
JohnBeales, [Murray] and pschmehl joined the channel
# pschmehl pschmehl
# pschmehl Is this the right channel to discuss an issue with Wordpress and the IndieAuth plugin?
# pschmehl OK. I'm trying to setup Threadreader so it can post to my Wordpress blog.
# pschmehl I run the latest version of Wordpress and the plugins (MicroPub and IndieAuth).
# pschmehl When I test using the IndieWeb test link, I get prompted for a login and I login successfully.
# pschmehl But, when I attempt to use Threadreader to do the same thing, it fails.
# pschmehl Just a sec
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# pschmehl I put a lot of details here:
# pschmehl If you go here and scroll down, you'll see a form to test your login: https://indieauth.com
# pschmehl When I type in my blog address there (https://www.txantimedia.com/) I get prompted for a login, and the login is successful.
# pschmehl When I attempt to do the same at the threadreader site (https://threadreaderapp.com/account/author) (I don't know if you can see that without logging in first)
# pschmehl I get this error message:
{“code”:”rest_no_route”,”message”:”No route was found matching the URL and request method”,”data”:{“status”:404}}
# pschmehl I'm not a programmer, so I don't understand a lot about REST and the API.
# pschmehl I've done a bunch of searching on the web, but haven't figured out yet what's wrong.
# pschmehl OK
# pschmehl Let me show you the http access log entries for IndieAuth and then Threadreader
# pschmehl IndieAuth: “POST /wp-login.php?client_id=https%3A%2F%2Findieauth.com%2F&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Findieauth.com%2Fauth%2Find ieauth%2Fredirect&state=0fa997183894c018d5ee8bf97e0d04b3&me=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tx antimedia.com%2F&response_type=id&action=indieauth HTTP/1.1” 302 – “POST /index.php?rest_route=/indieauth/1.0/auth HTTP/1.1” 200 40
# pschmehl The first thing I noticed was that the IndieAuth login uses POST but the Threadreader system uses GET. I don't know if that's a problem or not.
# pschmehl I'll be happy to try anything you suggest. I have root access to the server, so getting log entires or other stuff is not a problem.
# pschmehl Another thing I noticed is when I go to https://www.txantimedia.com/wp-json/ , I get a 404. That is not the case on a different server that I'm running Wordpress on.
# pschmehl Yes. It is set to Plain. I just checked.
# pschmehl Yes, but it's not a problem to change it. I just happen to like short links without the entire title in it.
# pschmehl If I have to change that to get this to work, I will.
# pschmehl OK. I'll try that now.
# pschmehl Changing to numeric sends me to an error page instead of the error message that I posted earlier. (IOW, 404)
# pschmehl OK. What sort of configuration problem?
# pschmehl Apache on FreeBSD - just to clarify, the wp-json link throws a 404 with plain and with numeric
# pschmehl Could it be something in the .htaccess file for Wordpress? (I'll go read that article now.)
# pschmehl I see that now. Let me take a look.
# pschmehl # grep rewrite_module /usr/local/etc/apache24/httpd.conf LoadModule rewrite_module libexec/apache24/mod_rewrite.so
# pschmehl I'm using Safari on a Mac. Just tested with Chrome - (wp-json) - 404, same thing with Epic, and TorBrowser - at least it's consistent
# GWG Plain will use /?rest_route= instead
# GWG Can you try the following Micropub client to see how it does? You can revoke it after. https://quill.p3k.io
# pschmehl Below is the raw response from your token endpoint (https://www.txantimedia.com/index.php?rest_route=/indieauth/1.0/token): { "access_token": "HdkUM37NFJ8hfU78UYcWzfvavzPTkLgCIv0QykJ3WRGuyY6UQKmoUg3J6O2up1F2XyQ232YV0kJb02N6j9VPKlZSARoA2UTNBNjHWDnge1epm9PG6EgxH8m0T61qwWnM", "token_type": "Bearer", "scope": "create update media", "me": "https://www.txantimedia.com/", "profile": { "type": "card", "name":
# pschmehl "txantimedia", "url": "https://www.txantimedia.com/?author=5", "photo": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/05ee63c88a433a76d84bb6df97c45bf3?s=125&d=404&r=pg" } }
# pschmehl Quil worked.
# pschmehl Sure. Here's the results: https://www.txantimedia.com/?p=3121
[chrisaldrich]1 joined the channel
# pschmehl That's exactly what I thought, but Threadreader support seems to think everything on their end is fine.
# pschmehl BTW, I revoked Quil.
# pschmehl Just in case some fool is reading this chart and decides to be a smartass
# pschmehl I'm not sure I understand what you mean by ?rest_route= instead of wp-json/
# GWG So, without the permalink support I asked about, the address of the IndieAuth endpoint on your site is /?rest_route=/indieauth/1.0/auth
# GWG With it, it is /wp-json/indieauth/1.0/auth
# pschmehl So, why is Threadreader calling index.php instead of wp_login.php?
# pschmehl So, referring back to your question mark comment, this appears to be wrong: “GET /index.php?rest_route=/indieauth/1.0/auth?
# pschmehl OK. Is this chat logged somehow so I can send a link to Threadreader? If not, I can just copy the whole thing and paste it into a text doc.
# pschmehl The numeric?
# pschmehl Thanks. You've been a huge help.
# pschmehl I'll get it figured out sooner or later. If there's one thing I am, it's persistent. :-)
[chrisaldrich], nickodd, [tw2113], JohnBeales, [James_Gallaghe], [LewisCowles], [Murray], [Chaitanya] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[tantek], [fluffy], [Rose] and JohnBeales joined the channel; nickodd left the channel