#wordpress 2020-09-07

2020-09-07 UTC
[KevinMarks] and cambridgeport90 joined the channel
Has anyone seen a post published from wordpress published to Twitter trying to show the number of likes when the Jetpack module for that is enabled? I have that issue; see https://twitter.com/Cambridgeport90/status/1302755326127636480
I have changed to the custom domain used for shortlinks, let’s see if it registers, or whether I really did forget to do something. We’ll see. ### Like this: Like Loading...
The tweet was made via Bridgy this time. Does not happen with the WP to Twitter plugin.
[tantek], [tw2113], [chrisaldrich] and [fluffy] joined the channel
cambridgeport90, that's a relatively frequent issue and it's the result of the microformats markup of your particular theme. Brid.gy decides what to publish based on what it parses and by default Jetpack is putting that code into the_body where bridgy finds it and presumes you want to publish it.
This part of the frequently asked questions section of bridgy will give you a bit more guidance: https://brid.gy/about#microformats
I also suspect its the sort of subtle thing we may cover in the upcoming theme pop up session: https://events.indieweb.org/2020/09/making-indieweb-friendly-wordpress-themes-8fs9gAVX3OkV
From what I can tell it's definitely not something a custom domain for shortlinks will fix.
Although they are fun to have
beko and nickodd joined the channel
i feel accomplished today. I added my 2 typed out reviews from GoodReads to my apiratelifefor.me posts, but also added easy front-end review forms to the site that will post to custom comment types 😄
zero user-facing changes other than 2 reviews as comments
[tw2113] has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (9 in all channels)
i need to actually type out thoughts on books more than i do
and of course mark them up with appropriate review microformats 😄
I wrote a new mini-plugin to add a rewrite redirect for my profile picture
Wondering if it is worth publishing
i vote yes, even if you don't get instant praise for it
[tw2113]: I just don't know if it is enough to publish, as opposed to just putting on Github
If I should refine it more
putting on github = publishing
[jeremycherfas], [LewisCowles], [James_Gallaghe], [Murray], [jgmac1106], nickodd, [fluffy], [snarfed], [tantek], jamietanna and [schmarty] joined the channel
[dshanske] avatar-urls: Creates an Avatar URL redirect that will not change if you change your image.
[Emma_Humphries] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
GWG++ for fixing something WordPress should have had from the start
GWG has 31 karma in this channel over the last year (139 in all channels)
[chrisaldrich]: Not sure what else I'll do with it.
I have other avatar ideas.
[chrisaldrich]: If you have any ideas. It should work with anything.
What do you mean by work with anything?
Any avatar plugin as it does just redirect the URL
[tw2113] joined the channel
i should make a digital garden plugin for WordPress
I agree
I'd +1 that too Loqi.
[tw2113] I always thought that Michael Caulfield's Wikity was an interesting implementation for WordPress, but unfortunately he designed it as a theme instead of as a plugin.
You can use both internal and external Webmentions to get backlinks the way Roam Research and some of the other platforms are doing them. Though you may want to have a slightly different display of them from a UI perspective.
What is Wikity?
Wikity is a custom WordPress theme that adds wiki functionality to the WordPress platform https://indieweb.org/Wikity
i'll need to read and do some research on functionality needed/desired and how to make use of what comes with WP already that would help
[tw2113]: What do you need to do?
dunno yet, i'm great at ideas, not always as great at completing the ideas
so many notes to myself
sounds like you could use a wiki/digital garden to collect them all? 😉
Oclair joined the channel
[chrisaldrich]: Do you run Jetpack?
It occurred to me that it has a built in auth functionality and its conflicted with my work before
jeremy joined the channel
I do but don't use it for much.
Did you find a conflict.
[Murray] joined the channel
[Changelingmx] #235 Micropub Endpoint Returns 403 Response
Why is it always Jetpack
Definitely JetPack
I turned every setting off, and it still disables my work
[tantek] joined the channel
Did you have a workaround before?
[chrisaldrich]: I have to go into the manual module control panel, now hidden by default, to figure out which module it is. Likely the rest/2fa stuff
gRegorLove joined the channel