2020-09-08 UTC
[tantek]1 and [tw2113] joined the channel
# 01:43 [tw2113] i use simplenote as a whole for that, which is coincidentally developed by Automattic.
dopplerg- joined the channel
nickodd, petermolnar, [Emma_Humphries], gRegorLove, [Rose], [Ana_Rodrigues], [James_Gallaghe], [jeremycherfas], jeremy, jeremy-, [tb], [Murray], [schmarty], [tw2113], [grantcodes], [fluffy], [jgmac1106], [LewisCowles], [tantek], [chrisaldrich] and [pfefferle] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
# 19:55 GWG [pfefferle]: Could you help me with a Micropub/IndieAuth problem?
# 19:57 GWG Micropub posting doesn't work when Jetpack is enabled
# 19:58 GWG I looked through the code for 3.5 hours yesterday
# 20:03 Loqi [Changelingmx] #235 Micropub Endpoint Returns 403 Response
# 20:06 GWG Also, sorry if I messed up the PR
# 20:06 GWG Suggest we may need a 5.0 and 4.0 branch
# 20:15 [pfefferle] it is no problem if you have not connected JetPack with your WordPress.com account
# 20:20 GWG Yes, I tried also with current_user_can... somehow it overrides the token check
# 20:20 GWG I looked at their determine_current_user filter
[schmarty] joined the channel
# 20:27 GWG No, because I call at priority 15, they call at 10
# 20:28 GWG It must be something else I'm missing
# 20:29 GWG I only thought of Jetpack as a last resort
# 20:35 GWG [pfefferle]: I thought about filing one with Jetpa5, but they have a lot of issues opened
# 20:35 GWG I'd like to see if I can figure it out first
# 20:35 GWG If neither of us see anything, I'll open it
# 20:38 GWG [pfefferle]: I think so, but I thought of checking
# 20:38 GWG The issue notes it is something introduced in 8.9
# 20:45 GWG Will see if he's on the WordPress slack
gRegorLove, [tw2113], jeremy and jeremy- joined the channel