jeremycherfasI use a child of Independent Publisher for one of my sites, and I would quite like to display a facepile rather than a list. I know the Webmention plugin says that facepiles "may not work on all themes" and I was wondering if anyone has facepiles in Independent Publisher or how I might go about tracking down the problem.
jeremycherfas!tell GWG I will investigate your theme, as ruxton suggested, and I wan wondering whether this would require a whole new child theme, or whether my changes, which are not extensive, might work if I point to your theme as a parent.
jeremycherfasAlso, I don't quite understand the readme of GWG's fork. Aside from the name changes for the functions, it would be good to know which bits are relevant to the fork. Or is this an aspect of forking protocol I am unfamiliar with?
Ruxtonjeremycherfas: also, you should be able to take the fork and point your child at it instead, I dont thinkTHAT much has changed that it'd be hugely different.
[frank][jeremycherfas] I had facepiles working in indieweb-publisher. I changed themes but I still have the code. I can look into it if you want? I am not sure it worked out of the box, but I'd have to look in to that. Unfortunately it will not be before the weekend.
LoqiGWG: jeremycherfas left you a message 4 hours, 38 minutes ago: I will investigate your theme, as ruxton suggested, and I wan wondering whether this would require a whole new child theme, or whether my changes, which are not extensive, might work if I point to your theme as a parent.
GWGI updated a lot of code not strictly Indieweb. Ripped out customizations that now had Core implementation. Stuff raamdev might have done if he was still updating
[Chaitanya], [James_Gallaghe], [chrisaldrich], [jgmac1106], nickodd and [Rose] joined the channel
@helenhousandiTell me what you dream of seeing in WordPress, whether your jokes or your most serious hopes, I'm not making product decisions so this doesn't constitute a promise, I just want to hear about it and get my brain back into that mode again :) (