#wordpress 2020-09-13
2020-09-13 UTC
cambridgeport90 What would we need an API key? Twitter, I would imagine? How about on other sites, though? Seems odd that the name field didn't populate especially if the site in question has micropub enabled. I forget whether I had to change something last time to make it work ...
[tw2113], gRegorLove, [Emma_Humphries], [chrisaldrich] and cambridgeport90 joined the channel
cambridgeport90 That was the last one I replied to recently, yes. I can always pin her, too, since she's actually a core developer on WP, herself. Pretty nice actually, and I get a kick out of her site.
cambridgeport90 This is more of a general one, but what about when reading random stuff on the web, and when sharing it as a read ... I highly doubt that a random new site will have markup displaying correctly at all.
cambridgeport90 So, in my case, then, what do I have to do to ensure that if someone bookmarks something of mine, for instance, it shows up correctly?
cambridgeport90 It all has to do with the URL, though, doesn't it?
cambridgeport90 But it's hard to tell which stuff is available on the site you're going after though, right? And anything that's not available automatically can also be filled out by hand, I would assume?
cambridgeport90 I think I had to do a lot of that in the past since I'm always sharing stuff from around the web, and I like it to look good.
cambridgeport90 Still getting used to the different post kinds, though. I am hoping to see about doing video and audio stuff later on in the year, hopefully before 2020's out, but I have to wait till I get an Azure storage account. Server host doesn't want me hosting media up there on the server itself.
cambridgeport90 You asked that question of us earlier. I think that was you?
cambridgeport90 I think the issue I am still having is trying to figure out which parts of the post are done for you, and where the author has to come in and help things along. I find that in a WP setting, it's harder to see the source of the page, as it would be on some others. Not sure though whether that's my actual issue.
cambridgeport90 I think a lot of this will become easier when post formats go away and post kinds become a mainstream thing.
[asuh] joined the channel
cambridgeport90 Post formats are the older form of Wordpress' taxonomy for different kinds of posts. That sort of gave way to post types, and now we have post kinds, which extends it even more. Did I explain that correctly?
cambridgeport90 I think I heard something about that as well.
[schmarty] joined the channel
[tantek] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich], gRegorLove and [frank] joined the channel
[frank] [jeremycherfas] I took a look at my old theme based on Independent Publisher and later Indieweb publisher. Semantic Linkbacks is turned on. But somehow the facepiles don't show up, just a list of webmentions. But when I switch themes to Genesis Sample (the one I use now) it just works and I have avatars showing up by default. So I need to dive deeper on why this happens.
drkokandy, [tantek], nickodd, jgmac1106_ and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] Interesting. I don’t know Genesis Sample. Did you IndieWebify it?

gRegorLove, [chrisaldrich], [tw2113], [tantek], gRegorLove_ and [frank] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
[frank] [jeremycherfas] It's the default childtheme for the Genesis framework. I just added the Indieweb plugins and added some Microformats2 code to functions.php. Based on the first work of a Genesis Microformats2 plugin a friend of mine is building: https://github.com/remkus/genindie
[frank] And here's my childtheme based on Genesis Sample. It's what you see now on https://diggingthedigital.com/ https://github.com/frankmeeuwsen/genesis-sample
[email096], jgmac1106_ and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel