2020-09-14 UTC
gRegorLove, [chrisaldrich], cam, beko, jeremycherfas, Adrian_F, nickodd, [jeremycherfas], [James_Gallaghe], brian1, [frank] and [tonz] joined the channel
# 09:04 [tonz] Getting an unexpected error message when trying to post from WP to Twitter using Bridgy: Bridgy Error: Twitter doesn’t support type(s) h-card, or no content was found. Why would it mention h-card?
# 09:24 sknebel Because that what it finds on the page you gave it
# 09:30 [tonz] yes, which is the odd bit, I don’t give it anything different than previously, so maybe something changed in WP plugins
[Ana_Rodrigues], Oclair and [Murray] joined the channel
# 09:57 sknebel Link to post? Then we can check if anything seems odd
[pfefferle] joined the channel
# 10:03 sknebel Yeah, that seems to have no h-entry markup at all
# 10:05 [tonz] Sempress 1.6.2 (with a child theme where I do some small tweaks, nothing mf2 related though).
# 10:49 [tonz] ```Since WordPress 5.2 there is a built-in feature that detects when a plugin or theme causes a fatal error on your site, and notifies you with this automated email.
# 10:49 [tonz] In this case, WordPress caught an error with your theme, SemPress.```
# 10:52 [tonz] I’ll rename the childtheme folder in the back-end to force it to ignore the subtheme (can’t get to the WP dashboard, as it won’t load)
# 10:54 [tonz] it only shows the ‘critical error on your website’ message.
# 10:55 [tonz] renaming the subtheme seems to work, I see my mail box fill up with a bunch of webmentions….
# 10:56 [tonz] so it’s the interaction with the subtheme then.
jeremycherfas, jeremych_, [Murray], eneri, [frank], [schmarty], [tb], [grantcodes], [jgmac1106], [manton], nickodd, [tonz], Adrian_F, [chrisaldrich], [Ana_Rodrigues], [James_Gallaghe], [tantek], maxwelljoslyn, [snarfed], justache, [Chaitanya], gRegorLove, [LewisCowles], jgmac1106 and gRegorLove_ joined the channel; nickodd left the channel