[tonz]Anyone here currently participating in the speakerstack.net beta, which seems to be a WordPress plugin providing a viewer for self-hosted slide decks?
[Jack_Wellborn]Hello. What I would like to do is have embedded Tweets on my micro blog that get syndicated as twitter links in RSS and elsewhere. Has anyone else done this before? I have done some searching to no avail so this is either very straightforward or very custom. FWIW, I am currently using brid,gy to syndicate to Twitter.
petermolnarwhen you say twitter link in RSS elsewhere - do you mean an RSS feed where the entries' link element is a link to the original tweets, or something else?
[Jack_Wellborn]I want to paste a link to a tweet in wordpress and have wordpress show the contents of that tweet on my blog, but only include the link elsewhere.
[Jack_Wellborn]That’s what I was afraid of. I disabled oEmbeds because micro.blog treated them as part of the post rather than as something being linked or quoted
[chrisaldrich]Ownership may be a problem too. If you use a raw URL link in WordPress that turns it into an oEmbed twitter card, things are all well and good until the tweet is deleted in which case you're stuck with the URL and not the content.
[chrisaldrich]The issue is that each platform has such a variety of ways that they allow the presentation. Manual until it hurts may be the best guidance?
[Jack_Wellborn]Well that sort of relates to the other reason. Rather than share and have other sites/apps handle my rendering of an embed, I would rather share a link and let other sites handle as they will.
[chrisaldrich]I think that the bridgy publish set up/plugin may have the ability to custom post to brid.gy using post_excerpt too, but I've not used it myself because of DRY violations though it may work for others.
[chrisaldrich][tonz] I'm not using speakerstack (yet?), but I recall early Gutenberg experiments had a slide creation and presentation thing that people were playing with. Not sure where it was hidden or how to use it, but that might be an alternate way to go. I recall photomatt using it in his State of the Word as his presentation too.
[Jack_Wellborn]The other thought I had was to use the Twitter API to expand tweets client side using JavaScript, then I could also handle sad path scenarios (e.g. Tweet being unavailable.)