#wordpress 2020-09-19

2020-09-19 UTC
nickodd, wagle, [LewisCowles], [James_Gallaghe], [Rose], [tantek] and [Jack_Wellborn] joined the channel
Figured out a low tech solution. I put the oEmbed inside an iframe. The iframe masks the oEmbed content from feeds which instead get the fallback content (which in this case is just the link.)
```<a href="https://twitter.com/JackWellborn/status/1307032159899856898">
<cite class="h-cite u-quotation-of">
<iframe id="tweet" src="https://jackwellborn.com/twitter_frame.php?tweet=https://jackwellborn.com/twitter_frame.php?tweet=JackWellborn/status/1307032159899856898" style="position:relative; width:100%;height:500px; border:0px">
Hey everyone, I think you should fire Trump this November even if you don’t like his potential backfill. Have a nice weekend.
Hey everyone, I think you should fire Trump this November even if you don’t like his potential backfill. Have a nice weekend.
Sorry for bot driven political spam.
Oclair, wagle, [tw2113], [Chaitanya], [jgmac1106] and [snarfed] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel