#wordpress 2020-09-22
2020-09-22 UTC
[chrisaldrich], jeremycherfas, [LewisCowles], [James_Gallaghe], jeremych_, [tantek], [tw2113], [schmarty], nickodd, [snarfed], [kimberlyhirsh], [Ana_Rodrigues], paulrobertlloyd, [jgmac1106], [manton], [fluffy] and [Sue_Hanen] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
[Sue_Hanen] I need some help with Omnibear. I can’t find the extension in Firefox and during the install on Chrome I received the following error: Error fetching token from token endpoint. Thanks in advance.
[chrisaldrich] [Sue_Hanen] The last time I had to go into my WordPress settings and manually create a token for Omnibear since it didn't seem to be able to set one up automatically.

[chrisaldrich] Has anyone else authenticated with it (successfully) recently?

[chrisaldrich] You can add a custom token at example.com/wp-admin/users.php?page=indieauth_user_token in the user settings (at the bottom)

[chrisaldrich] You'll need to assign the scopes you want, give it a descriptive name (I used the original "Omnibear"), and then input the token into the settings section of Omnibear under "Authentication details (advanced)"

[chrisaldrich] What is omnibear?

Loqi Omnibear is a browser extension for posting text notes, replies, bookmarks, and likes to your website using Micropub https://indieweb.org/Omnibear

[chrisaldrich] Keith indicated some issues that he was having getting it approved by FF a while back: https://chat.indieweb.org/2019-09-23#t1569257420036500

Loqi [[keithjgrant]] _sigh_ I love how Firefox will just randomly snipe an extension. They pulled Omnibear (again!) because they got build errors… a year after the latest update and even though it was approved when it last published

[chrisaldrich] If you want to jump through some hoops, you should be able to sideload it into firefox, possibly with details from the repository: https://github.com/keithjgrant/omnibear#installing-from-the-repository

[keithjgrant] joined the channel
[keithjgrant] yeah, I need to re-bundle and redeploy it to the FF store. Apparently I did the last build on an old work machine which referenced a private NPM mirror they couldn’t verify

[keithjgrant] I just haven’t had the mental bandwidth to re-learn how that whole process works 😕

[chrisaldrich] The solution for creating a token above, requires you to have the IndieAuth plugin (if you don't already have it) in case that example link I provided doesn't work when you change the URL to use your own website URL.

[chrisaldrich] [keithjgrant]++ for fighting the good fight!

[chrisaldrich] [Sue_Hanen] also if you need it, I think the only scope it will require to work will be the "create" scope. You can give it others, but IIRC it won't/can't use them.