2020-09-23 UTC
paulrobertlloyd joined the channel
# 00:14 [Sue_Hanen] [chrisaldrich] [keithjgrant] thank you both, I’ll give that a try.
[snarfed] and [tw2113] joined the channel
# 01:07 [tw2113] So not only do I have a basic Indieweb.xyz cross posting Gutenberg block, I’m also eying making a webmention block. You provide the URL, the block wraps it in the html/text automatically for you
# 01:19 GWG I'm working on the Post Kinds UI. It's a bit messy codewise
# 01:22 GWG I sort of debate why I am doing it.
nickodd joined the channel
[fluffy] joined the channel
# 04:47 GWG Ruxton: You did some PRs to the kind view system, any thoughts?
# 04:48 Ruxton Mine were all about allowing themes to customise it, so as long as that's still doable, I'm happy
# 04:51 GWG Ruxton: Hopefully I didn't break anything
# 04:52 GWG The MF2_Post class is being replaced by the less aggressive Kind_Post
# 04:52 GWG And a lot of messy code removed or replaced
# 04:53 GWG But still not touching Block Editor
justache and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[grantcodes], [Ana_Rodrigues] and jeremych_ joined the channel
# 11:31 GWG Combination of lack of plan and motivation
jeremycherfas, [Murray], [James_Gallaghe], [KevinMarks], nickodd, [tw2113], [Rose], [chrisaldrich], [jgmac1106], [Emma_Humphries], [schmarty], [fluffy], jamietanna, sp[m], angelenos, [snarfed], [LewisCowles], [tb] and mattl joined the channel; nickodd left the channel