#wordpress 2020-10-12

2020-10-12 UTC
nickodd, [Denver_Prophit], [chrisbergr], beko, [KevinMarks], [mapkyca], [capjamesg], Danielstaleiny and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
It's been a bit quiet in here. So I'm going to try to spark a conversation.
Most desired Indieweb WordPress feature. Discuss.
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
better support in core for a lot of this stuff </troll>
[tw2113_Slack_]: How can we do that?
either blackmail or better cases for why they should care
[asuh] joined the channel
I’m currently hoping for attention to the Semantic Linkbacks email notification issue fix. The email notifications for comments are mostly blank on multiple sites I used this plugin
[asuh]: The code was set to be migrated into Webmentions.
That is a bit slow and tedious.
But thank you...I thought I was the only one who cared about the email notifications
Yeah, I was requested to fix the email problem when it started and it took me a little while to discover it was Semantic Linkbacks. I know that the issue is waiting for feedback from Trac as well, but I’m hoping it’s possible to just either fix or disable some filters without affecting too much of Semantic Linkbacks?
Well, I probably should send over some minor bugfixes for Semantic Linkbacks. I've sort of avoided it because webmentions is in the process of getting that code
But despite best efforts, that work still is slow
Totally understand, and I know how busy you are with that consolidation of the plugins
I have not worked on it in a few weeks.
I should submit the next round.
One other feature request is the ability to override the Linkbacks walker comments method, so that I can use custom markup. This is probably something I need to figure out myself, since I’m not always sure how to do this type of thing without PHP help.
[asuh]: That is also in the plan for the new version. Templating per linkback type
The idea being that the comment walker would call templates that could be overridden in the active theme.
When I was working on the commenting system a year ago, I noticed that the comments section had specific markup and I wasn’t able to use what I included in my functions.php in the local theme. So that’s when I also discovered it was Semantic Linkbacks
My personal plan, and it may not pan out because it is such a big job...is to...
1. Finish the new parsing code, which will convert the source site into standardized mf2 from mf2, and if not, meta tags and some basic JSON-LD.
2. Having that start generating new webmentions.
3. Figuring out a way to migrate the old webmentions to the new storage format.
4. Start improving presentation.
Sounds like the majority of the work is in 1 and 2
Actually, 3
3 scares me
1 is mostly done.
2 is easy.
Migration is scary because we could cause trouble.
I've been doing migration on old Post Kinds posts from the 2014 to the 2020 format and I've had to write a bunch of checks for it
Post Kinds changed from storing everything in a cite property to storing in the appropriate property for the post kind...so the post kind can actually be derived using post type discovery.
oh that makes sense
[asuh]: The change is this....all comments now are type webmention. 'reply', 'like' etc are just a meta key on the comment. We are going to flip that.
Comment type will be reply, and the protocol will be in metadata
It makes sense that comment types are “reply”, that’s true inherently. What is the “protocol”?
[asuh]: Webmention. But activitypub will use the same property.
It already does actually
Sounds like this is making it more useful for activitypub to see the meta key to know its a webmention
wordpress-activitypub is also a pfefferle plugin, so why not use the same properties for avatar and protocol?
sounds reasonable
nickodd joined the channel
I just finished some other fixes
nickodd, jeremycherfas, [chrisaldrich], zerotex, [jgmac1106], sp[m] and [asuh] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
GWG, I’ll assume you probably have other priorities than to take on the Semantic Linkbacks email notifications fix in short order, which is completely fine. That said, I might test commenting out filters inside of the `Linkbacks_Notification` class to temporarily fix the email notifications content so that I can re-activate Semantic Linkbacks until a fix is available.
Am I on the right track?
Yes, you can just disable it for now.
great, and disabling that file, is it primarily to update the emails? or would it affect anything else in WordPress?
It would not.
Other than Pushover integration
ok, when I have time, I’m going to test this on my personal site by first commenting out filters before I get to disabling the whole file, to see what happens.
Thanks for the feedback!
[schmarty] joined the channel
[asuh]: The solution in the long term will be to fix the other version of the code, I think.
jamietanna, rick[m], [tantek], [fluffy], [snarfed] and [chrisbergr] joined the channel
I'd love to be able to use syndication links with custom post types.
And what I really want is a built in reader with respond functions. I know there are readers out there, but I want it in my wp admin area as a Menu item below Dashboard.
[chrisbergr]: Syndication Links supports that
I am constantly thinking about how to make all this indie web magic easier for Gen4 users. Such a reader with interaction would certainly help a lot. In addition to that an automatic installation of an IndieWeb theme + relevant plugins. And maybe an admin theme to make it all simpler.
Really? Maybe I missed something.
Reading the FAQ may help 😞
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisbergr]: I spent a while adding docblocks to Simple Location, I need to do it for everything else
I've done it for some projects but I don't do this kind of documentation whenever I'm not forced to. It makes my whole progress so slow. But yes, seeing code from others with docblocks is always a great benefit.
[chrisbergr]: I need to make an effort to do it going forward
It always makes me feel guilty when I see how much unpaid work you and others put into these projects I use. I have to contribute more.
[chrisbergr]: I love contributions
My biggest help wishlist is helping redesign the reply contexts for Post Kinds to use the featured image, publish, and tag options intelligently
I currently don't display them
You mean on the front end, in kind display?
Okay, I'd love to help you with this case. But your current roadmap is important. Did you finished all your template changes yet? Because there are some different cases that need to be covered (e.g. avoid something like https://david.shanske.com/2019/08/04/2932/ )
[David Shanske] If it helps, stop by chat.indieweb.org/wordpress and we can help in realtime.
That wasn't a template change, that was a storage issue.
Yes, but the template need to cover this case
The template need to know how to handle the full rich data set, the limited only url case and the no data stuff.. Maybe there's more I don't see now
[chrisbergr]: I need to add more testing, but I started to look for edge cases.
The issue with older posts would be incorrect storage or the old storage technique not migrated
I fixed most of the storage issues.
I wanted to move most of the logic for that into a function and out of the template because I shouldn't have all these edge cases, and will likely continue that
I can implement this stuff while adding the features from your wishlist and some additional css. But as I wrote, therefore I need to know if there are some template changes upcomming so that I don't make obsolete changes.
get_cite now has an optional option to return a specific key in a citation property
[chrisbergr]: I see it as more of a design issue
The reason I never added them is that how it would look...which is independent of how it is retrieved
Example: You're talking about storage issues. But what about the user does something stupid like add new post, tell this is a reply, write the content and publish without adding the URL in the Box above?
I need to test those scenarios, but shouldn't show anything
Too many cases is how I end up in trouble usually
This is why I considered citations as a possible solution in future
I thought about something like:
• Rich Data: "Replied to" followed by a box with all given data
• No Content: "A Reply"
• Only URL: "Replied to https://example.com"
Sorry, you don't see lists, right?
I saw that
And there's the question what to do with the author's photo. Never display, always or do it optional with settings page
I was doing, replied to a post, but it hasn't worked well enough, so might go back to showing the URL
[chrisbergr]: I also don't like that I don't side load the images
Then there is featured image vs author image
On my now rejected theme I tried to make this a social media look alike. https://christian.hockenberger.us/test/561/
[Christian Hockenberger] A post by Christian Hockenberger
That's why I always wanted to have the reply a reply chain
I like the look of that. The goal of the built-in was to make something that could work with any theme.
So anything more involved would be custom
I totally got it why you've done it the way you did. And it totally makes sense :)
But even with your built-in version you can offer a kind of author-card, which is filled with name and avatar.
[chrisbergr]: That's what I would like to improve
And the pub date next to it.
I wish I was better at CSS
How exactly can I help you with this? Should I change the templates and css in your repo, do you want plain html + css and add it yourself or do you want ui wireframes to start a conversation about?
I've never done wireframes, to be honest. I studied them in school. I think plain HTML/css works the best...mocking it up that way.
Okay, that should also be the fastest way for me to be able to provide you something useful 🙂
It''s pretty late at my place. I should be able to make something on the side during the Apple event tomorrow.
Nothing urgent about it
I've wanted to do it for a while.
If I do not give myself a deadline, I never do it.
Good point
I go back to work tomorrow.
Then I wish you a nice day. I'm out for today.
Sleep well.
[jgmac1106], [schmarty], [catvscode], [fluffy] and [tantek] joined the channel