#wordpress 2020-10-13

2020-10-13 UTC
!tell [chrisbergr] Trying a simplified approach to templating by normalizing what the templates and metaboxes are looking for to try to make it easier.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[Will_Monroe] joined the channel
Hello everyone. Does anyone have experience with and an opinion about SNAP (Social Network Auto Poster)? I'm exploring options to POSSE from my WordPress site to Pinboard.in and maybe Diigo. I might also consider a PESOS from Pinboard.in or Diigo but I would not need SNAP for that.
[Will_Monroe]: I've considered writing such a plugin. I'm not a fan of SNAP.
GWG I was hoping you would provide some clarity! Thank you. I didn't see much in the #indieweb-wordpress channel nor elsewhere. And it had a surprising number of one-star reviews at Wordpress.com for what that's worth.
It's a long standing plugin and people use it. However, it's somewhat opaque in my opinion
I've considered writing one for my own use.
Right now, my issue is that I have a lot of stuff in Pinboard that I haven't been able to figure out how to add to my site
Both Pinboard https://pinboard.in/api/ and Diigo https://www.diigo.com/api_dev provide API documentation. But that is beyond me.
[Will_Monroe]: What would your workflow be?
Yes! I have this problem too.
@GWG I'm still figuring this out but would a post to WP that carries the tags and description to Pinboard suffice to describe a workflow? I would think that the same could be said for Diigo. I probably need to think harder about that though.
The WordPress tags?
Well, would you want this going forward or retroactively?
As in, do you need to import, or just POSSE?
I think for now going forward would be great. Just to see how it works.
I feel comfortable that Pinboard is a reasonably good steward of the data for the time being.
That's great. WordPress and Pinboard are probably my most often-used tools right now.
I've been trying to move my Pinboard store into my site, but it keeps pushing things off.
I have figured out what you are looking for, but the backdating is why I haven't.
Will see if I can write it up.
I see. Yeah, I can definitely see the value of importing Pinboard content. It's simplicity and speed has facilitated my frequent use (multiple times a day) for a long time.
Here's something I've wondered about though: Pinboard allows you to both add tags and add notes. But I've often seen the notes field attenuated when IFTTT gets involved. If I was posting a link in WP with notes, I would hope to retain those notes (up to some sane character limit) in Pinboard. Does that make sense?
unfortunately its install base is huge
woah woops forgot i was rewound
@Ruxton, I appreciate that! I was thinking that might be the case when I saw all the services it supported.
Hello, Ruxton
[dshanske] #136 POSSE to Pinboard
Here you are.
Ruxton, you sent over some of the video kind enhancements ages ago, are you still using them?
@GWG thank you! I will keep an eye on that.
I dont think I am, but I still have them
it was autoplay and re-styling of video to have contorls overlays
happy to rebuild them against the new stuff if you're ready for that
Ruxton: I likely will be soon. I did some work to try to make retrieval more consistent, and I want that to shake out.
[Will_Monroe]: Any ideas you have, note them there
@GWG will do.
[fluffy] joined the channel
Exploring removing the 'a post' generic response with showing the URL again. It seems fragile anyway.
GWG: any reason this didn't just get merged in? https://github.com/dshanske/indieweb-post-kinds/pull/298/files pretty simple change I've been trying to get into mainline for a while
Ruxton: I think it got lost when I changed the name of the main branch to trunk
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[Will_Monroe]: I built your feature for you.
Or at least a basic version.
jeremych_ joined the channel
GWG: afraid post-kinds 3.4.8 resulted in data loss. I've a snapshot but this may affect others as well. Raised #317 - please let me know if you need more info or data
beko: Not good
beko: It is likely not loss, only display loss
reassuring :)
[Rose] joined the channel
Hm.. I wonder how to force check for updates
beko: I hate to keep releasing point releases but I will
Did you push this to trunk? Not seeing any recent changes
I thought I did yesterday.
Maybe I committed but didn't push
I just checked... normalize is in the GitHub version if you want to check it
oh.. I see. It's probably 3db08ab313460decf27fc3c985e207b75dda2db3. I'll simply wait for release/bump/re-tag :)
beko: I want to do more checks. I'm tired of retrieve errors. I fixed all the storage errors, so I need some better error checking
Perhaps you need more data to check against. Do you know about data generators?
jeremych_ joined the channel
beko: I'd need to generate possibly bad data
I started unit test writing, but I'm slow at that
[Denver_Prophit] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
GWG: good™ data generators let you generate faulty data :) Also I'll happily assist with my own data if it helps
[KevinMarks], [prtksxna] and jeremych_ joined the channel
beko: Let me take another run first
nickodd, [capjamesg], [tw2113_Slack_], ren, dopplergange, [chrisaldrich] and Ruxton joined the channel
@GWG thank you! It sounds like I'll need to update by using the Github code, correct? I think I can do this using GitHub Updater in WP. I'll give it a shot and post on the issue thread you started 👍
[Will_Monroe] joined the channel
[Will_Monroe]: I will eventually push it to stable.
Do you use Post Kinds?
@GWG yes, I do. And I see that this is a temporary dependency so it's not a problem.
Temporary could be years
I just don't know where to get the URL for the bookmark from otherwise
If someone has another place to look...
I can support anything if I know where it is
[Will_Monroe]: Maybe I'll send it to stable tonight
In the meantime, it was a fun 90 minute project
I don't plan to stop using Post Kinds so this is great. No problem.
@GWG thank you for taking the time!
Any time...it was something I wanted one of these days anyway...but not for importing old stuff
[chrisbergr] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
Side note: I had my admin and login area masked to some unintentional url instead of wp-admin on my in development replacement for my current website. I've got about 50 failed login attempts per minute for the last 30 minutes... After deactivating this option from my security plugin, everything stopped. Nothing indieweb related but maybe interesting for you wordpress users.
Hi, [chrisbergr]
I may have made changes to affect the templating again
This does not hurt me 🙂 In my framework plugin, which I'm writing for my new site, I get the data for the output directly via get_post_meta.
I've worked on something for your kind display earlier this day. I have to admit that it is really difficult to create something that can be integrated into all available themes to some extent.
Here is a screenshot with best case data given: https://christian.hockenberger.us/docs/2020-10-13.png
Let's discuss this 😉
@GWG I hate to ask a dumb question but is there another way to install the Syndication Links code? Maybe some kind of loading of the Pinboard-specific code?
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisbergr]++ That's a great (and reasonably generic) reimagining for the reply context in Post Kinds plugin!
[chrisbergr] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
[Will_Monroe] I think Github should allow you to download a version of the particular branch with the Pinboard portion to test out.
Oh, guess, I understood your question wrong...
[chrisbergr] did you handle the if/then case of a Post Kind not having an author image still displaying the author name and link? I think that may currently be missing from the Post Kinds template set up at the moment.
[chrisaldrich] yes, with my custom implementation I have a build_author_vcard function with multiple args that does this for me.
In the case of default kinds view I discussed with David yesterday about if the template should have the logic or some other function.
I guess aI guess that has not yet been finally decided.
But I hope this will be implemented soon
One of the other things I've wanted in some of the templates was easy display of start/stop times or duration, so that (for example) Watch and Read posts might be able to display the timeframe that I was watching or reading an item.
I think that GWG has code for more robust parsing of sources like IMDb which would give running times for movies so that if I post when finished I might be able to display the running time (or otherwise calculate or display the time period in which I watched something), though that may be moving much further afield than some of the basics you're attempting to display.
[chrisaldrich] [chrisbergr] thank you both. i'll try both approaches.
Changelog for 3.4.6 says "Add duration display for media files"
[Will_Monroe] I'd try something right now, but I need to go through the exercise of setting up a Pinboard account (and pulling up an API key too, I think).
You're talking about duration without havig a media file, right?
I suspect that changelog is for audio and video files to display their running time. (So for posting podcast episodes I think).
I'm talking about non-media posts about passively reading, watching, or maybe listening to things to show how long I was doing a particular activity.
Ok, I see... Yes, that would definitely make sense
Something along the lines of indicating: "I read this many pages of this book for X hours and Y minutes...."
It's amazing how so many reply contexts can use roughly the same format for display....
I particularly like how you've boxed off and slightly changed the color of the reply context to better differentiate it from the reply that the site owner would potentially supply.
Thank you 🙂 The only problem I see right now: Twitter embeds
Problem in case of: Would look ugly.
To use the Twitter javascript or not? That is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind....
another thing to be careful of in the Twitter case is that I've always had problems with Post Kinds saving the appropriate meta data if a parsed tweet (or any other post really) has an emoji in it... WordPress doesn't seem to like it and filters out/doesn't save any of the Post Kinds data for the post.
If it's possible I would prefer that post kinds grabs the post date, author, content and saves it similar to all other replies.
[David Shanske] People continued working on it. Everything you need using W3C standards like Webmention, Microformats2…give it a try? https://IndieWeb.org/WordPress/Plugins
I do that same thing in some cases primarily because Post Kinds has had variable parsing of Tweets.
I think David has fixed the code in Parse This so it better parses tweets now, so I'd probably switch over to posting the raw text like all other cases rather than using Twitter's presentation.
I may be mistaken, but I think both David and I may be overwriting a KSES check to be able to do displays like that. I'm not sure if others are doing that???
Okay, just tried it on a local test page. I don't get any data other than 'Site Name/Publication/Album'
[chrisbergr] you may need to be running a stand-alone version of Parse This to get the new Twitter parsing: https://github.com/dshanske/parse-this
[dshanske] parse-this: Parse This Parsing Library for WordPress- Can Act as a Standalone Plugin
I'm not sure if he's moved it into Post Kinds directly.
Oh yes, tried again and I've received a lot more information. Unfortunately not the summary and author photo. But I have tags, date, author name, author url. That is much better 🙂
sometimes the older versions of parse this would put the author photo in the featured photo field (if and only if the tweet didn't have a photo(s) attached)
I haven't played with it since he made the recent updates, so I'm not sure what it may do now.
though I'll also say that in practice since most change their avatars often enough, the links to twitter avatars break regularly too...
Maybe this should be a feature of Post Kinds? And also a feature of semantic linkbaks?
In the future, my build_author_vcard function will store every external avatar, so this will be covered (for me). The intention is to avoid gravatar (because of eu cookie consens), the case of missing twitter avatars is a good side result.
The latest version of Parse This is bundled inside Post Kinds
As for Twitt
Twitter, they stopped having that in the tweet without JS, so I can't get the data I did before.
I was able to get some of it by using the oembed endpoint
[dshanske] #297 Add Avatar Store
I refreshed pfefferle's avatar code but it's never been merged
I have thought about an author avatar store in Post Kinds
I agree with you, it should be a storage, not a cache
[chrisbergr]: I think we could improve it
But featured images might be better off side loaded into the library
[Will_Monroe] joined the channel
@GWG just following up, did you upload the Pinboard-specific changes to GitHub? I'm not exactly sure I know what I'm looking for but I wasn't able to find the changes yet.
[Will_Monroe]: I'll push it to wordpress.org tonight
Give me a few minutes
[Will_Monroe]: It's deploying now
Should be available for upgrade
justache and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel