#wordpress 2020-10-14

2020-10-14 UTC
[Will_Monroe] joined the channel
@GWG I updated without any problem, added my Pinboard token and published a `bookmark` post with the radio box checked for Syndication Links > Pinboard. After waiting a few minutes, the post has not appeared in Pinboard yet. This leads me to believe that I may not have provided valid information in the WP post interface. Are there fields that must be populated?
Only URL. So no
Have you used Syndication Links before?
I have posted to Micro.blog and Twitter via Bridgy using Syndication Links.
That is interesting.
Let's see what happens on my live site, as opposed to my test site
Am I supposed to use the "Syndication Links" text box in WP in addition to the "Syndicate To" checkbox? Sorry this is so elementary.
No, that should happen automatically.
This is strange. Something triggered on my test site but not on the live one.
Here's what the WP post interface looks like: https://www.screencast.com/t/vx3Z5XSC
But note that the Syndication Links checkbox for Pinboard is deselected when I open the post a second time to edit. That box is always selected when I Publish.
[Will_Monroe]: That is what always happens
It never stays selected. Intentionally
Got it. Just wanted to be clear that I had checked it when I made the post.
On my site, something isn't triggering. Will have to look into that, but it is a problem with my site it seems.
Okay, I'll follow the updates and test again if you make changes.
https://wpdev.gwg.us/2020/10/13/20900/ - See this worked perfectly. Odd
Testing posting a bookmark again.
nickodd joined the channel
[Will_Monroe]: Try updating Post Kinds. I just pushed a fix.
I need to look at surfacing errors in Syndication Links, but the problem was a bug fix I did for Post Kinds.
Yes, that fixed it. I did find a different problem I need to work on, a missing $, but.
i've been working on that missing $ problem for 25+ years ;)
Without a $, it is seen as a constant.
makes lame joke about getting paid
@GWG updating Post Kinds did the trick!
The text I added to the WP body didn't end up in Pinboard's description but the link and title (from Parse This) came through. It also defaults to private.
[Will_Monroe]: That might be a setting in your account. I don't set visibility. As for the text in the body, it's using the text in the summary field of the bookmark.
Found another bug. If the author property is a URL, then my parsing code was not properly handling the return.
@GWG I have text in the Summary/Quote/Caption field of the Response Properties interface but that didn't make it to Pinboard. Not sure if that's related to the bug.
That is the field I'm looking at. Will look as well. Fixing a Twitter parsing bug I found.
[chrisaldrich], [itsjustk], [KevinMarks] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Happy birthday Mathias
Kaja_ joined the channel
beko: Glad it is working again for you
[Rose], nickodd, jeremych_, [chrisaldrich], jamietanna and [schmarty] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel