#wordpress 2020-11-03

2020-11-03 UTC
[chrisaldrich], nickodd and velox joined the channel
This should be an interesting conversation in the WP world: https://wpbuffs.com/wp-ama-series/ Submit your questions now...
David Wolfpaw, why didn't we get to finish our conversation at WCUS last November?
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
ooh, i should look into catching this one. I know Allie tied the knot this weekend, but pandemic = not much of a honeymoon
cambridgeport90 joined the channel
but doing a wordpress-based podcast on youtube is a pretty good close second, right?! 😉
Are there any "loaded" questions we could ask to get traction or eyeballs on high-level things that might need extra help GWG?
The, what would you put into Core?
[KevinMarks], nolith, nickodd, [Denver_Prophit], rick[m], [tw2113_Slack_], [chrisaldrich], jeremych_, sp[m], sergiotarxz[m], gRegorLove, JohnBeales, [snarfed], [schmarty], maxwelljoslyn, [tantek], [kimberlyhirsh] and [fluffy] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel