#wordpress 2020-11-15

2020-11-15 UTC
miklb, Hollandaise, miklb_, [Simon_Willison], [chrisaldrich], GWG and nickodd joined the channel
[jeremyfelt]++ for today's session; Sorry I couldn't come back to it, but I'll catch up via video once it's posted. 🙂
[jeremyfelt] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
[tw2113_Slack_], [asuh], [jeremycherfas], [chrisaldrich], Loqi and [jeremyfelt] joined the channel
Thanks [chrisaldrich] - it was a great discussion. I know I took away a few things to focus on. 🙂
[Sue_Hanen], carolline and [tantek] joined the channel
For those who are interested in WordPress or have related questions: Here's the WordPress Zoom Room for create day: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6312221690?pwd=UlNkck1FdGIzSEJGZ2h4dGFnUFhLZz09
[chrisaldrich]: Tell me if you need me to hop over. I appointed a co-host.
[dmitshur] and [hibs] joined the channel
Thanks GWG!
carla-paloma joined the channel
How's it going in the WP room?
[schmarty], [tonz] and tracydurnell joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
maxwelljoslyn joined the channel
[gwg] at some point today Chris suggested I show you something weird with how postkinds is displaying info for "drinks" on my site
tracydurnell: There is a bug I identified I plan to fix shortly about that.
ok cool, thank you :)
I would have done it today, but it isn't demoable.
no problem ;)
tracydurnell: It's a matter of testing. Once I fix it and you update, it should automatically display the right data
[jeremyfelt] joined the channel
reed, petermolnar and [snarfed] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
[miklb] I'm hacking away at making the Davis theme more IndieWeb friendly. Post Kinds changes will be the last part of my list, but I'm curious how far you've gotten on your templating set ups? Do you have a repo for it?
[Simon_Willison], petermolnar, fwe, [dmitshur], [Emma_Humphries], [schmarty], Ryuno-Ki, [timothy_chambe], [tantek] and [Sue_Hanen] joined the channel; petermolnar left the channel
@GWG Thank you so much for a wonderful IndieWebCamp weekend. I’m testing to see if my mentions are working. Chris didn’t receive a mention after I bookmarked one of his posts. I bookmarked a post of yours and just wondering if you received the mention. I also commented on the same post.
Not yet
I bookmarked before the end of camp. Should it take this long? Chris mentioned there were logs I could check. Where would I find them?