#wordpress 2020-11-19

2020-11-19 UTC
Ah yes, I did have the same featured image problem for publishing to Twitter. I just looked for a Github issue on that, maybe that’s something we can add.
publishing = syndicating
Yes, but it isn't a Syndication Links issue, it's a microformats Bridgy issue
that sounds familiar, I think you did mention that previously
[asuh]: If I switched to local publishing, either by adding API support, or linking to a WordPress Twitter plugin...
maxwelljoslyn, [tantek], nickodd, [chrisaldrich], jeremych_, [Raphael_Luckom], [Aaron_Klemm], [KevinMarks], zerotex, reed, [Murray], [tw2113_Slack_], [Simon_Willison] and [schmarty] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
I think there's an inverse relationship between the ease of syndication and the control over what the syndicated content looks like on another platform. The more control you want over display (and the multiplicities of display each platform has), the more complicated the code and options will get for the user to choose from will become.
Syndication Links is pretty simple as they go (and does the minimum number of things one might appreciate/want), while something like SNAP is at the far end of complexity, but it gives you a huge amount of control.
Jetpack's syndication is at the simplest end. It's nice, but is limited to a few simple platforms and doesn't return any data about where your content was syndicated.
Meanwhile Helen has been thinking about stories for WP: https://twitter.com/helenhousandi/status/1329509671183544324
You know, I was thinking that WordPress 5.6 could really use that “one more thing”... https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EnNdiLaW8AYiat7.jpg
[tantek] joined the channel
!tell [pfefferle] looks like Autonomie isn't sending webmentions from the comments section properly? (or I'm missing something or they've modified the mark up in an odd way) https://boffosocko.com/2020/11/18/55781322/#comment-303559
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[Sebastian Weiss] Ok #indieweb, here I am: https://sebastianweiss.me #helloworld #blogging Syndicated copies: Twitter icon