#wordpress 2021-01-10

2021-01-10 UTC
[chrisaldrich], [dmitshur], [snarfed], [tw2113_Slack_], [tantek], [schmarty], nickodd, kira, [Raphael_Luckom], [KevinMarks], jamietanna, [Rose], paulrobertlloyd and [Tim_Nolte] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
I haven't had a chance to dig into all the relevant code, but it appears that webmentions don't appear right when using the JetPack comments. Anyone already run into this and have any pointers?
↩️ [chrisaldrich] I was just doing a search to see if I could find any pointers and it seems you ran into a related issue a few years ago(https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack/issues/7357). Based on what I'm seeing on my site currently the particular issue seems to have been resolved since i'm seeing the Webmention/Ping Me form below the JetPack comments form.
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Are you still seeing that issue [Tim_Nolte]?
↩️ Hey, I'm seeing it here: https://www.timnolte.com/2021/01/09/first-frozen-beard-run-of-2021/ and on other pages. I've been testing multiple different themes to see if that would make any difference and it showed the same issue in every other theme that I tried.
↩️ If I turn off the JetPack comments the Twitter Likes(comments) show up on that page like they are supposed to.
↩️ And looking at the source it doesn't appear to be just a CSS problem that I could tweak.
↩️ I suspect a hook issue probably in the vein of that old GitHub issue.
What parts of Jetpack do you have turned on?
If I recall, the original problem was that Jetpack took over the comments section completely and didn't allow other things to hook into it and display.
I seem to recall it was a setting there that allowed using people to use Facebook and other social to log in and leave comments.
Yes, as I mentioned here(https://indiewebcamp.slack.com/archives/C08S4KMJN/p1610314338278300?thread_ts=1610313592.278100&cid=C08S4KMJN) I think you're not seeing my threaded comments. Sorry, I like to use threads on Slack to not add so much noise to the main channels.
Additional comments on this thread: https://indiewebcamp.slack.com/archives/C08S4KMJN/p1610314457278800
that's alright. our chat is bridged across irc and matrix channels as well so for others, they're all done in line anyway....
Oh, OK, I didn't realize, I'll stick to the main thread then.
Since there are bunch of plugins installed for the IndieWeb setup I'm not exactly sure which plugin is putting the Likes on the page, but perhaps this is more of an issue with JetPack/WordPress not getting the "comments"
Invariably, it is JetPack doing something unexpected.
They've unintentionally messed me up many times
They are usually helpful in trying to fix it
Other than Jetpack on/off what settings/parts of Jetpack do you have turned on?
Now that I'm thinking about it I'm suspecting that when JetPack takes over the commenting that perhaps is actually doing a duplication of comments in WordPress.com along with the WordPress comments table.
The fact that webmentions get added to the comments table I wonder if JetPack even knows they are there. 🤔
there are some themes that have custom comment walkers that will cause the duplication issue, but that is often separate from seeing/not seeing webmentions
I have a bunch of different features of JetPack on. But I only see the problem with the missing webmentions/Likes when I have the JetPack comments turned on, if I turn them off then they show correctly.
it would be pretty rare to try three separate themes and see that however
Sorry, I'm not saying that I'm getting duplication.
Which theme are you seeing it on? A public one or something custom you've built?
I'm wondering if the way that JetPack supports commenting is more like Disqus, and WordPress.com is actually syncronizing comments between WordPress.com & the local comments table.
I have the problem on any theme
are you on wordpress.com?
well, no
this is a self-hosted site
but you have to have a WordPress.com account, with JetPack connected to it, in order to use any(most?) of the JetPack features.
.com does do some synchronization business, but I've never seen it conflict that way.
I'll have to do some digging into some code and see if I can determine where it's being caused.
Anything we can do, please tell us
It's been a while since I've used Jetpack comments, but I've just turned on all their settings and am seeing the same problem.
OK, I'm assuming that for simply displaying the webmentions that are added to the comments table, none of the IndieWeb plugins would be doing anything at the time of display? Or maybe for likes?
I wonder if the JetPack comment Likes feature has anything to do with it. 🤔
It looks like native replies via webmention are displaying, but likes are not.
[snarfed] joined the channel
That I can tell after testing a handful of variations of jetpack settings, it's solely the "Let visitors use a WordPress.com, Twitter, Facebook, or Google account to comment" that causes the display issue.
A few more tests indicate to me that the issue extends to Jetpack comments setting above to be on and reply types that are facepiled.
If I un-facepile likes, replies, etc. then those appear as comments, but if they're facepiled then they don't display.
[chrisaldrich]: Yes, Jetpack is taking over the hook
And not being a good neighbor
If that jives with your experience Tim, it may narrow the issue down. Then perhaps you might reopen that old issue for a future patch.
They're always a good neighbor, but *only after* you knock on their door and ask them to turn the music down.
Yes, that's a better description
[tantek] joined the channel
Thanks folks for the help to start running this down.
I just started using Bridgy in the hopes bring things more together between my blog and my social media activity.
[Tim_Nolte] Thanks for mentioning the issue. Let us know if you file something against the Jetpack repository so we can help to support you and make sure it gets fixed.