2021-01-11 UTC
[tw2113_Slack_], [chrisaldrich], nickodd, [tantek], [KevinMarks], [Murray], jeremycherfas, [snarfed], jeremych_, [Raphael_Luckom] and [schmarty] joined the channel
# 18:38 GWG beko: How are things working for you?
# 18:40 beko plugin wise? All good. Only having a hard time with ActivityPub but hey it is a early version :)
# 18:44 GWG I am playing with improving some things which I think will inspire more posts
# 18:51 beko Sounds good. Gutenberg support by chance? *runs =)
# 18:57 GWG beko: I have a lot I hope to get in, and I'm slowly moving toward something that could be Gutenbergy
# 19:05 GWG beko: Right now, I just finished historic weather, now working through photo and checkin with photo enhancements for my site
# 19:06 GWG Which are going partly into Post Kinds
# 19:07 beko Hm. A thing that I really wonder is where does the description end up when I use MicroPub. When I add it it's nowhere to be seen :/
# 19:09 GWG It should end up in the caption field for the attachment, I would imagine.
# 19:10 beko Nope, doesn't. Also not in ALT. Most of my photos are syndicated to Twitter and Mastodon. Both support ALT and I'd really like to see this syndicated but it fails already on upload.
# 19:11 [chrisaldrich] it would be fun to see better support for post kinds within the ActivityPub space...
# 19:14 GWG [chrisaldrich]: That's a pfefferle conversation, possibly
# 19:14 GWG I think there's a lot of work to do first
# 19:27 GWG I need another person to comment once I deploy these fixes
# 19:27 GWG Someone who posts photos regularly
[snarfed] joined the channel
# 19:37 beko now it's only random pictures since we didn't go out much. Like.. almost never.
# 19:44 beko [chrisaldrich]: yes. Glad that brid.gy exists. Missing Likes is one thing. Missing nested comments is another story :( And that xray/json issue is killing me
# 19:53 GWG beko: We can use your 2019 photos for this
nickodd left the channel
# 20:04 beko GWG: oh. this is like an auto gallery.
# 20:05 GWG I have to write a post on how I did that
# 20:05 beko and I absolutely LOVE onthisday. Always did. Now even better - _I_ don't have to know the date any more :D :)
# 20:05 GWG Simple Location also does auto map as well
# 20:06 beko I usually cut the location data. Sensible on that.
# 20:07 beko NICE. There is already a peertube svg.
# 20:12 GWG beko: Add /map to any archive where Simple Location is enabled and it will generate a map
# 20:21 GWG beko: I need a better way to surface these things to people
[tantek] joined the channel
# 20:23 GWG No, that could be the title of my post
# 20:25 beko I suck at writing and presenting. Badly.
# 20:27 GWG beko: My design skills could use some work
# 20:29 beko oh. I'm a css wizard. I need a layout to implement though :(
# 20:29 beko or was. mebbe I have to redact this. Has been a while that I fiddled with interesting css layouts lately. Mosty bootstrap work.
# 20:32 beko shiny. peertube svgs worked like a charm (and I fixed my okuna svg again).
# 20:32 GWG beko: If you want a permanent addition to Syndication Links, please advise
# 20:35 beko Makes no sense atm. PeerTube account is depending on the instance url so I'll probably be the only user ever for this very instance + syndication links. And Okuna is still closed beta. I mean I'm adding the links but they are 503 Forbidden without login [at the moment]
# 20:37 beko wish I'd knew a designer who could do animations to make some _fancy_ indieweb videos.
[tw2113_Slack_], [Raphael_Luckom], jamietanna, [schmarty] and [fluffy] joined the channel