#wordpress 2021-02-08

2021-02-08 UTC
[fluffy], primitivMedia, [KevinMarks], [schmarty], [tw2113_Slack_], alex2, gRegorLove, [Ana_Rodrigues], [Rose], mattl, Danielstaleiny, [snarfed], [Murray], jamietanna, bishop_bautista and [arush] joined the channel
Playing with the latest update to Simple Location. Very nice! Now trying to update old posts. Can we add our own locations? As in, "add new", enter details like name, address, lat., long., elevation and then save? Followed by "pick a location from that cool new dropdown" instead of looking it up again?
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
OK looks like you can add new locations, just without all the necessary info. This is still a cool update though, and I think I noticed some checkbox fixes too!
Although I can't tell right now because I have a splitting headache lol.
[arush]: The necessary info only appears on the edit, not add screen
Locations have no geo coordinates,. only country, region, and locality
You can generate them for old posts using the lookup location bulk action
Name, address and geo coordinates would be a venue
Feature pending
[arush]: Did my attempt to poorly label the weather properties help?
I wish I could change the labels.
The ones for taxonomies are hard coded
And yes, the weather labels definitely help!
jamietanna joined the channel
And can't wait for the pending feature.
[arush]: I may do another point release this week to try and clarify how the feature is meant to work
I wrote it in the readme, but clearly I need it in the admin itself
Location is coarse, venue would be fine location
I've been promising venue for a long time
I'm not quite sure how it would work UI wise
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
What would you need to do to the plugin in order to add venue? Is it just a matter of adding fields/metadata? Obviously not talking about being able to look it up on the fly because I think Foursquare basically has that covered and they are probably singy with allowing third parties access to that info at this point given the stuff that's gone on with their APIs.
[arush]: First... check-ins are handled by Post Kinds, location by Simple Location
It's where to put what
I want the venue list in Simple Location, but then....
[schmarty] joined the channel
Then what the UI is...do I start with only OwnYourSwarm check-ins and nothing else? Or do I try local?
I used the bulk location lookup action to do all my old posts, then had to merge a bunch of duplicate terms
I used another plugin, but I think I need to build something to do it in this one
Same problem may come with duplicate venues
Am I in Queens or New York City?
pmlnr joined the channel
As far as interface for bringing venues into sL, I would start with Ownyourswarm since Swarm is already doing a bunch of the work. As far as merging taxonomies, you could do a plugin nag and recommend a particular plugin. Can't remember the name of that nag library that was going around will have to look that up because not sure if that's what the rest of the indieweb suite is using.
[arush]: I think I may need one customized for this purpose. The ones I tried caused the term metadata to vanish
Unless local would be easier to start with. Wondering how Swarm differentiates duplicate venue names.
[arush]: I'm going to keep tweaking Locations before I add Venues.. it's proof of concept to a degree
Excuse me, didn't fix that yet
[David Shanske] Deprecating and Replacing Bridgy Publish for WordPress
All posts made in Germany
Looks like each venue gets its own ID.
[arush]: Yes, for WordPress term id
Yeah would make sense to hammer out location. Less data less problems.
It was rather hard making a strict hierarchy in WordPress. There is no enforcement that I know of
pmlnr left the channel
So, country to region to locality
But this is a really cool proof of concept though.
pmlnr joined the channel
It also allows for the city archives I wanted
pmlnr joined the channel; pmlnr left the channel
Problem is the auto look up not being consistent, thus some personal gardening is required
pmlnr left the channel
Yeah I hear you re: personal guarding.
The same way I have to manual clean up my MP3 file genres
[Rose] and [fluffy] joined the channel
Oh God I don't even want to think about my mp3 collection and genres. 🙂
Working on the location garden now. Because city pages would be neat.
Which plugin did you find most helpful for merging taxonomies?
[tantek] joined the channel
[arush]: All of them created problems. Give me some time, and I may add something
Term Management Tools is the one I was using, but it destroyed the term meta
I think I can add the feature
bishop_bautista joined the channel