#wordpress 2021-02-11

2021-02-11 UTC
[fluffy] joined the channel
[asuh]: IIRC the old wordpress P2 theme let you create posts from the front end, too... it's now retired https://wordpress.org/themes/p2/
[asuh] joined the channel
reed: thanks, but I should just make time to do something myself for that idea. I would rather not use another theme when I can do it myself
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[asuh] even given your choice, it's always nice to see alternate examples. Here's another interesting one that's done as a plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/narwhal-microblog/
[Billy Wilcosky] Description Narwhal magically turns most themes into powerful microblogs. It is lightweight, simple, and it will take on your theme’s look and feel (you may need to tweak with your own CSS). It adds a front-end new post area on your blog’s main ...
In that vein, another thing that would be cool is if I could IndieAuth into a site and write a comment into the native interface and have the site micropub my comment back to my site as a reply.
[fluffy] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] good point, both are good reminders of things to keep in mind.
[KevinMarks], [Ana_Rodrigues], [Murray], [chrisaldrich], bishop_bautista, [schmarty], Solari, bishop_b_, nickodd, [tantek], [Rose], [jacky] and [grantcodes] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel