#wordpress 2021-02-10

2021-02-10 UTC
[KevinMarks], [benatwork], IIIIIIIIIllllll| and [Tim_Nolte] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] to respond about my IndieWeb install source it's just from the WordPress.org plugin repo, installed through the Dashboard.
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
does uninstall and reinstall fix it? (I suspect you've tried that already....)
OK, I just got on my server and did a `grep` on all plugins and found this: `./instant-images/vendor/connekt-plugin-installer/class-connekt-plugin-installer.php:370: wp_enqueue_style( 'plugin-installer', CNKT_INSTALLER_PATH. 'assets/installer.css');`
That plugin is using the exact same code as IndieWeb
`./indieweb/includes/class-plugin-installer.php:389: wp_enqueue_style( 'plugin-installer', CNKT_INSTALLER_PATH . 'static/css/installer.css', array(), IndieWeb_Plugin::$version );`
the style enqueuing is not targeted enough
[Tim_Nolte]: It would. We used the same class.
Yep, disabled Instant Images and the Extension screen in IndieWeb is fixed.
I guess we need to better prefix
Yeah, I think in this case it looks like IndieWeb is better positioned to prefix since the other plugin is just using the `connekt-plugin-installer` package as a dependency. The other route would be to change the IndieWeb plugin to also use that library as an actual dependency instead of copying stuff into the plugin.
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
[Tim_Nolte]: WordPress is horrible at dependency management.
[tw2113_Slack_]: Yes, but I just had a snack.
i'm about to celebrate International Pizza Day
[tw2113_Slack_]: Okay.
I'm fixing the code I deployed earlier in the week.
It's still troublesome when it comes to region coding, but I blame the data providers.
In regards to talk I saw about Twitter, I too am still using WP to Twitter. I tried out Brid,gy and I'm not really in love with the output. WP to Twitter gives me more control over that, I also have more control over Mastodon toots using Share on Mastodon https://wordpress.org/plugins/share-on-mastodon/
[Jan Boddez] Description Automatically share WordPress posts on Mastodon. You choose which Post Types are shared, though sharing can still be disabled on a per-post basis. Supports image uploads, WordPress’s new block editor, and comes with a number of filter ...
I might go back to it ... thanks for the input. Does the share on Mastodon plugin also work for Pleroma?
I will probably have a Pleroma server here soon ... ish
i use Joe Dolson's plugin as well, though i'm more focused on just posting to, not pulling back in
I'm not sure about that, haven't tried
even made it compatible with syndication links last year
I was able to pull in while using Joel's plugins, too.
Now the only thing on my end that's not working, aside from me needing to update the simple location plugin, is fix my mmicro.blog syndication.
Not sure entirely why that's not working. Site doesn't seem to get verified.
i'm passively trying to figure out how tp use WP to Twitter for book reading status updates
I don't think it handles different status types that well, though I intend to talk about that.
i'd handle that part, i just need to locate how to invoke the tweet 😄
Not to mention ... need to fix the titleless posts on the recent feed as well as in my RSS. Not to mention get the red heart emoticons that show up, too.
[tw2113_Slack_] how did you get WP to Twitter to be compatible with Syndication Links?
[asuh] joined the channel
if only WordPress had a native Quill-like experience on the back-end, instead of having to log into the Dashboard and create a new post, it’d be quite simple to just syndicate
I haven't looked maybe there is a hook I can use to populate that?
Isn't due to a filter or something?
[Tim_Nolte] https://github.com/dshanske/syndication-links/pull/127/files if i recall right
oh, ha, I only just recently moves to WP to Twitter, like in the last week, and probably didn't even realize I was getting that. Nice!
Not to mention, I want to host my own YURLS instance.
Except I need to fix my short domain, and not sure how to set it up; short links used to go to cp90.us, but that is sort of broken.
@cambridgeport90 yeah, I'm really wanting to move to that as well. I'm still using Bit.ly with a custom short domain and I'd like to move that to YOURLS as well.
Only problem is the fact I'm limited on what infrastructure I have to play right now, and would rather not slop up all my friend's Plesk server's disc space LOL.
(Would prefer to be on IIS.)
I don't use it often and its a bit heavy, but /SNAP has lots of configuration for WP to Twitter (and dozens of others).
Busy night in here btw...
I had that installed a bit ago and it was a disaster warning.
[KevinMarks], lahacker, reed, pauho[m], sergiotarxz[m], [Rose], 07EAAJIAM, channels and nurupose joined the channel
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haza-wDt joined the channel
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guntbertYV joined the channel
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[Rose], bdeshi1, petermolnar, [schmarty], [KevinMarks], [benatwork], bishop_bautista, [fluffy], petermolnar_, [Ana_Rodrigues], [chrisaldrich] and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel; petermolnar left the channel