2021-03-01 UTC
[schmarty], [KevinMarks], [tantek], [jgmac1106], jamietanna, [amy], [Murray], [snarfed], [Ana_Rodrigues], jeremycherfas, [cleverdevil], [Rose], [Jacob_Hall], [scojjac], [tw2113_Slack_], [fluffy] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# [chrisaldrich] I like Tempis Fugit, but you'd need to have some strong meta tags to make it a findable plugin in the repository.
# GWG I might have other words, thats just the slug
# [chrisaldrich] I was always surprised that TimeHop didn't build something for WordPress. Perhaps such a plugin might encourage them?
# GWG Out of curiosity, what features of Timehop might be worth recreating?
# [chrisaldrich] Timehop has more of a stories interface which might be fun to experiment with.
# GWG [chrisaldrich]: My widget has the 1 year ago option. I considered adding a broader query
# GWG For example...a few days around today.
# [chrisaldrich] Maybe if it had a function for 5 bims ago, you might talk tantek into using it. 🤣
# GWG Well, I like those Google features to relive the past
[scojjac] joined the channel