#wordpress 2021-03-30

2021-03-30 UTC
[tw2113_Slack_], [tantek], [snarfed], [jgmac1106], [chrisaldrich], [Rose], jeremych_, [KevinMarks], Zegnat, [mapkyca], [schmarty], [grantcodes], [scojjac], [Murray], [calumryan] and [aciccarello] joined the channel
I am looking for users of the Simple Location plugin to help me figure out if I need to adjust a feature, if anyone is willing...no rush
JohnBeales, Kaja_, Oclair_, sknebel_, globbot and [Jeff_Hawkins] joined the channel
I have that installed on my multinetwork multisite! It's supposed to be turned on for two sites. I also have it installed but not running on my other multisite. I can spin up something on either server if you want.
[Jeff_Hawkins]: I just want to know how people are using it, especially the new location taxonomy... thinking of changing the UI.
It's also one of the two plugins I'm most likely to try a block editor integration for first.. when I break down and do such integration
JohnBeales joined the channel