#wordpress 2021-03-31

2021-03-31 UTC
[scojjac] joined the channel
I'd be willing, but I've been having an issue where when I add a location, my Update/Publish button stops working
I just have it enabled as installed... To be honest with you I'm not all that familiar with it or it's settings and uses. And I hardly ever use the block editor either. But the Geo specificity of my planned use (whenever I start up that next project) will probably press me into using that plugin more.
zerotex joined the channel
[scojjac]: I can tell you how to help me troubleshoot that
[Jeff_Hawkins]: What is that?
That would be great
[scojjac]: Lookup a location, expand the weather tab, then see which field has too many digits?
I need to fix rounding
Humidity 56.787442120463
and i feel every last bit of it
[scojjac]: So it isn't rounding humidity
How many digits of precision should humidity be?
the tooltip indicates two decimal places
don't weather services usually display nearest integer?
[scojjac]: Depends on the variable. That's what I need to fix. Problem is the fact I store in different units
It doesn't apply for humidity though
[jgmac1106], [KevinMarks], [Kai_Vong], [scojjac], JohnBeales, [Rose] and [barryf] joined the channel
I’ve gotta figure out why when I post with Quill, Wordpress seems to put it in the Aside format…
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[scojjac]: Are you using Post Kinds?
@gwg yes
[tantek] joined the channel
It sets various post types to their format equivalent
[manton], [grantcodes], [tantek], [Rose], [schmarty], [jgmac1106] and [scojjac] joined the channel
Hmm I’ll adjust my css so asides aren’t italicized
[calumryan] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
GWG, I'm having that same issue on rounding errors in Simple Location, but usually in my case it's visibility (which always seems to be returned as 6.2--a glitch in the weather service I'm guessing) which needs to be rounded to the mile and not hundredths of a mile.
It's stored in meters, but displayed in miles. So I end up double rounding.
In case anyone else is seeing the same thing, I do have a weird glitch where the "publish" button greys out (and doesn't let one click it) when the system is doing a save in the background, but the UI hangs and doesn't flip the CSS back to ungrey the publish button back into existence. I suspect it might be an IndieWeb related plugin, but haven't had time to track it down. (I suspect it could be one of many plugins.)
[KevinMarks] and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
ah slow websites and possible ajax issues
[Kai_Vong], [schmarty], jamietanna, [barryf], [snarfed] and [fluffy] joined the channel