#wordpress 2021-05-07

2021-05-07 UTC
IWSlackGateway2, [Emma_Humphries], Lucci06225, [tantek], [tantek]1 and lucci joined the channel
!tell [arush] The Quill issue is fixed
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Lucci06225 joined the channel
https://wptavern.com/classic-widgets-plugin-disables-wordpress-5-8s-upcoming-block-based-widgets-system i'm guessing the incoming block-based widgets is going to break post-kinds and people are gonna need to use classsic widgets plugin
Lucci06225 and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
can't speak to breaking post kinds, but i can say there's good chance that people just like what is present now, and don't care for everything being block based.
Good on them for providing a plugin that keeps the soon-to-be-legacy Ui and whatnot
Lucci06225, lucci, tomlarkworthy, [Ana_Rodrigues], [grantcodes], [KevinMarks] and [Murray] joined the channel
Thinking of making my theme a block based theme 🤔 it's definitely not quite ready yet, but it's pretty cool.
[KevinMarks], [tantek], [schmarty], [aciccarello], [chrisaldrich], tomlarkworthy, [sebsel], justBull, jamietanna, maxwelljoslyn, Tomlark, sparseMatrix, [girrodocus], [Murray] and lucci joined the channel