#wordpress 2021-12-28
2021-12-28 UTC
Billbennettnz joined the channel
Billbennettnz After a failed experiment, which I'm happy to talk about, I've returned to the Indieweb fold and the Autonomie theme. I have questions ;) I think these are problems I solved before but failed to document.
Billbennettnz Thanks. Every headline on the index page and archive pages have h1 tags. Isn't that poor practice?
Billbennettnz has
Billbennettnz That's what I thought... this is going to sound dumb, because I'm not a developer, but is there an indie web reason why the theme was coded that way that I'm not aware of and if I were to fix it... which will take time... would it break the indie web features?
Billbennettnz Ah... that's helpful. It looks tricky to fix, but not impossible... I know I did it once before ;)
GWG Billbennettnz: Why not open an issue to ask about it? https://github.com/pfefferle/autonomie/issues
[tw2113_Slack_] in html5, multiple H1s are allowed, last i knew
[tw2113_Slack_] honestly, i think H1s are wasted on site titles/names, and there should perhaps be a dedicated tag for that
Billbennettnz Well I'll say Matthais is responsive. I went to the GitHub pages to do exactly that and notice that he fixed the issue about 3 hours before I posted here! How's that for service?
[tw2113_Slack_] thanks [pfefferle]!
Billbennettnz It's a near perfect theme for my purposes.
Billbennettnz Yes thanks [pfefferle] it was like magic
[tw2113_Slack_] my dayjob is all WP, so modifying/customizing/etc is old hat which helps out
Billbennettnz I spent some time playing with the Susty theme... the idea is that it uses a minimum of resources and is therefore more sustainable, but, frankly, I don't think shaving a few megabytes off a webpage is going to save the planet
[tw2113_Slack_] it adds up, long term, but you know
Billbennettnz But it was a rabbit hole I spent some time down there and learnt a fair bit.
Billbennettnz Yes, it does all add up over the long term, but I doubt all the wasteful Wordpress code in the world probably doesn't add up to mining a single bitcoin when it comes to chewing through resources. The key thing is the principle, it's good to know we CAN build ultra-light sites with Wordpress.
[tw2113_Slack_] friendly debate only, but if WP powers 40%-ish or whatever amount of the "entire internet" that's a pretty huge chunk. And I am definitely not a crypto person either, they can go jump off high places
[tw2113_Slack_] good news [chrisaldrich] my leading idea for my contributor day on thursday is abstracting out my book chest code and whatnot.
[chrisaldrich] [tw2113_Slack_] 🎉
[chrisaldrich] good to see you back BillBennettnz!
[chrisaldrich] [pfefferle]++ for "magic" :magic_wand:
Billbennettnz Glad to be back... was trying a different approach for most of last year, probably because I was stuck indoors for months with too much time on my hands ;)
[chrisaldrich] I know that feeling all too well... I've taken to handwriting posts on my website for entertainment.... 🙂
[pfefferle] Billbennettnz that was really magic! Some webmaster tools told me the issue and I had some time to fix some issues, so I changed the header thingy. ☺
[pfefferle] I am glad you also need/like it!
[pfefferle] The header on single pages is still h1 btw.
Tom, neceve, balupton[d], sayanarijit[d], edburns[d], Help_My_Doge_Pls and khkhkhkhkhkhk34[ joined the channel
[arush] Re: multiple h1: I think it's technically valid per the html5 spec, but for purposes of accessibility and SEO, there should only be one h1 per page and the rest should be h2, h3, ETC. headings are for structure not style, although devs tend to use them for style not structure. As an interesting side note, this issue with headings is about the only place where accessibility and SEo best interests coincide, so the selling point
[arush] for accessibility that it's good for SEO is mostly not true.
[arush] Headings issues are also probably the least impactful accessibility issues from a user perspective. They'd get flagged in an audit because they are technically an issue, but when weighed against other issues they would typically be prioritized lower than others. They happen to be the easiest to fix a lot of the time though so they're excellent for showing devs that accessibility issues aren't impossible to fix because it can
[arush] prepare them for the slogs of fixing issues that have accumulated like missing or incorrect alternative text or improperly tagged pdfs.
[arush] Re: the Autonomie theme: John and I love it and i'll go grab the latest fixes.
[arush] One more thing about headings and accessibility: They're used to convey structure because the html5 outline never got off the ground. html5 considers multiple h1s valid because of the outline even though it never got off the ground because browsers don't support it generally.
[schmarty] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] [arush]++ for sharing some great subtleties on web development
jsbach_ and sarahd[d] joined the channel