#wordpress 2022-01-26

2022-01-26 UTC
I just got a Pinboard JSON importer working.
sarahd[d], jsbach, [jeremycherfas] and fef joined the channel
That's cool
jeremycherfas, you interested?
It's a WIP
One of your sites is WordPress, isn't it?
Yes, but it doesn't bookmark anything useful.
So no, no interesting, just expressing encouragement.
This uses the old links manager WordPress retired. Used to be a blogroll, I turned it into bookmark storage. Looking for some people to play with it as I develop it to replace my Pinboard usage.
My test import of 10,000 urls worked well enough
I'm happy for you.
My only real pain point with Pinboard is tagging. I have too many tags, but cleaning them up is an overwhelming problem.
Maybe once I have done my on-this-day importing, one day at a time, I'll be able to make that a daily 30 minute project.
jeremycherfas: I got scared when Pinboard was down for a day and the maintainer was radio silent before and after...I fear I can't trust it anymore
I understand that, and yet, I do trust Maclej.
I do trust him to a point... but it pushed me to do something now rather than later
GWG: https://github.com/wallabag/wallabag is potentially a better system for bookmark management, but I understand if you don't want to run yet another thing.
petermolnar: I looked, but decided to roll my own
Looked at the other one..starts with an s
As well
[manton], neceve, [chrisaldrich] and [jeremyfelt] joined the channel
FWIW, I realized last night as I was poking at a new Full Site Editing theme in WP 5.9 that it may become “easier” to add basic microformat support to new FSE themes.
Almost everything has an adjustable class name property, so adding something like `h-entry` to a wrapping `<article>` tag on a single post is almost a 2 or 3 step process with no code or child theme required.
I’m working on this new theme slowly, so I’ll have a better idea in… weeks? 😆
i’ve seen people saying that all this FSE stuff may remove need for site owners to hire freelancers/agencies
at the same time, they may need it more than ever once they mess things up so badly that they can’t figure out how to get out of the mess
and i’ve seen sites with 2-3 different page builders active at the same time
[James_Van_Dyne] joined the channel
[jeremyfelt] fascinating! I'm embarrassingly still on https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-uf2/ , I'd love to see that or something like that updated and supported. exciting if FSE might help!
[IndieWeb WordPress Outreach Club] Description It is only a very basic implementation, because not every element is accessible through actions or filters. It is better to use a theme that supports Microformats 2 fully. FAQ What are Microformats 2? Microformats are a simple way ...
[snarfed]: I keep meaning to look to see if there are new hooks to use in that.
Bishop_Bautista, angelo, kimberlyhirsh[d] and jsbach joined the channel