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#[tw2113_Slack_]GWG remind me, this repo is meant to be a bit more "native"-ish to WP dashboard than just treating bookmarks as a post type and all the baggage that posts can bring
#GWG-[tw2113_Slack_]: The one I asked you to look at? Yes
#[tw2113_Slack_]i didn't see anything obvious "bad" or anything upon a quick general review, but i haven't installed at all thus far
#[tw2113_Slack_]will try to on my other computer or if i end up with a test install somewhere on this one 😄
#GWG-[tw2113_Slack_]: The way I imagine it is this....what if the Links Manager hadn't been disabled in WordPress 3.5 and had experienced all the things that were added since then
#[tw2113_Slack_]which pushes everything into wp_list_bookmarks()
#GWG-I'm backward compatible with wp_list_bookmarks, but I had to replace all the functions because of their limitations, including the fact wp_insert_bookmark doesn't set all the fields.