[tw2113_Slack_]oye, trying out WP 5.9 this morning and the full site editing. I’m feeling lost more than half the time and this is coming off of as a clusterF
[tw2113_Slack_]working good so far, and I was able to confirm zero issue with my Blogroll block, but i also expected that since it just extends the links functionality 🙂
[tw2113_Slack_]not sure i’m going to enthusiastically say that, since most people have forgotten about blogrolls/bookmark lists in general, but it’s worth effort regardless
[tonz]I routinely check other people’s sites for blogrolls, and publish my own feeds list. same for bookmarks, though that’s much less common now, but e.g. [chrisaldrich] hypothesis feed is valuable to me.
[tw2113_Slack_]for me at least, bookmarks are random things/posts that i found interesting and want to share. blogrolls are for the sites overall, not just a single post
[tonz]same here, through blogrolls I discover people to follow, bookmarks is content oriented and not about following but about note taking, although if the bookmarks points to an interesting post the author might end up in the blogroll.
GWG[tonz]: I support blogroll as a use case, but also bookmarks...so in my version, you'd have a blogroll category to distinguish from the other bookmarks
[tonz]this may be a ‘well duh’ type of question, but when using Yarns in WP, what is the microsub server endpoint’s address. My WP site page source says <link rel=“microsub” />
[tonz]same table mostly, though I understand the reasoning for the choice. It’s just that it means there’s a bunch of unknown to me content constantly being added and removed to my two decades worth of my own content. By extension same database. What I’m now starting to do is have 2 WP instances, one with yarns running only, and the other running my site. Using two different authentications and bearer tokens I can read from one
[tonz]I created a token using Jamie Tanna’s token please tool, which delivers only a ‘draft’ scope, and I’m getting missing scope messages from yarns when talking to the endpoint
[tonz]yes, after reading what [sknebel] pointed and I myself had overlooked on that page, I realised. @jamietanna ’s tool to get a token doesn’t allow one to specify the scope needed, so now first will build a brief thing to get my own tokens. Tried in Postman, but that doesn’t route through the WP loginscreen somehow. Anyways, that’s for some other time, it’s late.